The Funeral - Part 2

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Daemon and Rhaenyra were walking along the shoreline alone talking, daemon and her talk about what they been doing for the last ten years. Daemon talks about his life in the serpent islands, how he spent his time taking care of his children while rhaelle ruled. He speaks on how he married laena behind rhaelle's back and how along the years they became great friends, rhaenyra listen jealous at the life Daemon and rhaelle built for themselves, daemon mentions his infidelity that resulted in gaela and how he had to be sent away with laena and the children when the war happen in the serpent islands.

He talks about how hard it was when rhaelle left him to fight, how he filled the hole where rhaelle belong with paramours and laena. He regretted it he admitted how he felt a ashame for laying with other people who wasn't rhaelle, and when she came back things change even more when he found out about her injury.

" has been a tough few years things have change." He says as he stop to stare out at sea, rhaenyra stood close and agreed.

"Yes, they have uncle." Rhaenyra look at daemon before she look down at his hand, she move her finger touch his making him glance down and touch hers back.

"We have change." He looks at her no longer the young princess he remember long ago but a grown woman.

"Some more than others." He tilt his head slightly to the side, "She has made you weak, uncle." Daemon narrow his eyes at his neice.

"I am still the same man I was years ago." Rhaenyra shook her head step closer to daemon.

"She may make you think that but you are not, she had broken you uncle she has taken everything that made you special and had you lock it away." Daemon look away from rhaenyra, he knew what she said was true but it wasn't entirely rhaelle's fault, "As she rules and fight wars you sit in a castle  waiting for her to return to you like some maiden." Daemon look back at his neice with a dangerous glint making something stir in the princesses chest.

"Watch yourself, neice."

"I mean nothing by it, I am only telling you what I seen and what you told me." Rhaenyra sigh looking down as her hand brush against daemon making him use his finger to brush against her own, "If you had chose me I would have treated you like a king like you deserve." Daemon move to stand in front of rhaenyra, he can not lie and say that he did not miss his old life or his old self feeling like he had the whole world in his hand, and at any moment he can easily crush it if he wanted to without any consequence.

And here he was with rhaenyra who after all these years still wanted him, still carved him, who look at him as if he was a living god. But, he still love rhaelle, rhaelle is his whole world along with his children. After seeing what happened to laena, she distance herself from him just like she did when the war was over in the serpent islands, rather than comforting one another she decides to lock herself away and make daemon worry. It feels like she doesn't love him anymore even through he knows she still does, and it makes him so frustrated that they can't talk about it like they use to which is why he been acting like...the rogue prince.

"Why did you follow me, sweet neice." Rhaenyra look up at her uncle with a placid look.

"The same reason you couldn't take your eyes off me, my prince." Daemon watch as rhaenyra's hand reach up to coddle his cheek, he move his face into her touch and close his eyes, "Do you still want me, uncle." Daemon open his eyes and look at her.

"Only if you have me, neice." Rhaenyra lift up as daemon bend down to connect their lips,  they held each other as they share a kiss.

"I want you, daemon." Rhaenyra whispered against his lips making daemon move his hand along rhaenyra's gown to unloosen her laces.

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