Chapter - 30

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Rhaelle was already in her nightgown in her chamber sitting in front of the fireplace knitting, after the play, she put her son to bed something she never had the time to do in a well and bid her other children goodnight. She decided to wait up for daemon, curious to hear how it went with thoros, rhaelle sigh to herself, she truely hope it went good. It been a long time since she felt good about something, and being with daemon felt great.

The sound of her door opening brought rhaelle from her thoughts making her look up and see Daemon, she put her stuff aside and got up looking at daemon. He seem disgruntled. Rhaelle pulled the skirt of her nightgown so she wouldn't trip over it as she walks to him, she engulf daemon in a hug putting her arm around his shoulder. He wrap his arms around her waist burying his face in the corner of her neck, she could feel the tension in his body leave him as they hold each other.

"We must talk." He said with his face resting on her shoulder.

"Later." She said, "Let me just hold you, my belove." Daemon hummed still in her embaced.

Daemon didn't how he was going to tell rhaelle that he failed, or how he lost his cool with the king. There's no doubt she would be angry with him, he wanted to kick himself, why couldn't he just say yes, he hates his brother for what he did to rhaelle. But, he knows he couldn't find it in him to kill his only family, no matter how much that said family deserve it.

Rhaelle finally peeled herself from her lover's body, before taking his hand and pulling him to the bed. She sat next to him holding his hand in her lap, she looks at him as his eyes were train on the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier, but the play was really sweet and really good. It was the best present anyone have given me." She said, daemon look at her with a small smile moving to squeeze her hand.

"I'm happy you liked it." His smile faltered as he turn back to looking at the ground making rhaelle frown, she lean her head against his shoulder rubbing her thumb on his hand.

"Do not beat yourself up, daemon. Thoros will come around he knows how much I love you and need you." Daemon looks back at rhaelle with a grateful look, she always knew what to say to make his heart flip. What was wrong with him, how could someone not kill for her. She was too good. She was too good for him.

"We need to talk."

Rhaelle brows pinch together in confusion and worry as she lift her head to look at daemon, he turn his body to face her and held her hands in his own looking down at them.

"...You know I love you more than life itself," Rhaelle stare at daemon knowing where this is going.

"Daemon, please. I know where this is heading, trust me when I tell you that thoros will come around. If he doesn't it still won't stop me from saying yes to your proposal." Daemon sigh hanging his head down.

"You shouldn't." Rhaelle frown, "Your husband is right not to choose me, you deserve someone better than me...better than gwayne." Rhaelle narrow her eyes at daemon.

"Thoros brought up gwayne?" Daemon look at her for a second before blinking before glancing away.

"No, I mean yes, but that doesn't matter–"

"What did he say about gwayne?" The young prince was quiet, "Daemon?" She snaps making him he grimace before looking at her.

"He told me. He gave his blessing to gwayne." Rhaelle scoff out a laugh, before getting off the bed.

"Why would he give gwayne his blessing? Gwayne is just my friend." Rhaelle guessed that with gwayne constant travels to the serpent islands would give the wrong expression to thoros, but even she told him time and time again that he was just a friend.

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