Chapter - 36

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The sudden urge of feelings started to bubbling inside my chest, first I was happy than felt satisfied after what I did now I feel like a shit because I prove him right. Gods, what the hell did I do? What is wrong with me. As tears started to form in my eyes I hurried down the hall where my room is before pushing open and moving to collapse on the floor by the bed, I sniff as I cried, I don't know what's wrong with me. Is what if feels like to be at your breaking point? I was so calm earlier even if otto deserve what he got that just showed everyone that I am not fit to rule or to be queen. I hate it here. I hate it here so much. I want to go home.

The sound of the door opening didn't deter my breakdown as I cried into my hands, quick footsteps against the stone floors made their way to me making me. I pull my face away from my hands to look at meleah as she scotch down in front of me with her hands on my shoulder, I sniff trying to wipe my wet cheeks with the back of my hand.

The sudden wave of nausea made me groan as my stomach felt like it was being twisted into knots, I put my hand on my stomach as I felt my mouth to start to feel slimey with my saliva. As the  feeling of my food about to come up, I got up off the floor and hurried to the balcony. I push the doors open and my hand clench the railings as I retch over the stone balustrade throwing up into, I gag as more come up making me groan, thankfully my room was by the water, when my stomach felt emptt I sat up straight leaning my body  against the balustrade weakly.

"Gods, what's happening to me." I mutter as use my hand to wipe the sweat from my forehead and around my mouth.

Meleah slowly walk outside holding a cup, I thank her as she handed it to me. I took a sip at the water before gulping it down, I swish it in my mouth for a second before turning to spitting it over the railing.

"How are you feeling?" Meleah ask when I turn back to her handing her the cup.

"Sick." I groan, meleah took my arm making me lean against her as she walk me to the bed.

"Are you sure?" She ask making me look at her with a look.

"Yes, I'm sure. What else could it fucking be?" I snap making her eyes widen, I gape back at her shock in myself, "I-I-I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from, oh gods what has gotten into me." I said leaning back against the headboard of the bed and looking down at my hands in my lap.

"I think I have an inkling..." Meleah says making me look up at her curiously, she move to put her hand on top of mine, " you think it's possible you might be..." she mumbles the bit making me look at her confuse.

"Might be what?" She sighs before clearing her throat, as she lean forward making me do the same and whispers.


I pull back abruptly looking her in her brown eyes, I stare at her for a minute before bursting out laughing at the thought. What a ridiculous thing to say, pregnant, I think I would know if I was pregnant.

"There's no way in all seven hells that I'm pregnant," I chuckle as I wipe at my face.

"The signs are all there." I look at her as if she lost her mind.

"Signs? What signs. I had two pregnancy  in my lifetime and not once have I experience such hell like this before." Meleah furrow her brows, she look up and down at me making me raise my brow.

Without warning meleah's hand grope my breast making me hiss at the tenderness, I bat her hands away from me as I cross my arms over my chest.

"What the hell, meleah? That hurt." I chastised look at the young woman.

"Your breast are tender." She comments making me roll my eyes.

"So? My breast always gets like that when the moonblood is close," I say, getting up from my spot on the bed, the nausea I felt moments ago have past thankfully.

𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now