Chapter - 25

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It was dim in the room when daemon woke up, he move his arm on the bed to find the body that was next to him last night. His eyes snap open and look to the side of the bed to find no one, he frown and look around the room.

He got up walking over to the closed curtain to look out to see it was snowing heavily, he wonder to himself if that meant that rhaelle had a free afternoon. He turn at the sound of the door hoping to see rhaelle, but got an servant instead he watch as a young red hair woman come in with a tray in her hands. 

"Oh, dear." She squeak out before averting her eyes to the floor, daemon furrow his brows at her sudden action, "I am sorry, my lord. I did not mean to disturb you..." she said still looking at the floor, daemon hum in response.

"Rhaelle isn't here." He stated as he step forward making the girl look up before looking back down.

"I-I know...the food is for you, my lord. The queen requested it for your liking." A wide smile appeared on daemon's face before he walk towards the girl, the poor child had to look to side when daemon stood in front of her to take the tray from her.

"Where is the queen, now?" He asked looking at his favorites all in one tray.

"A council meeting, she told me to tell you once you are finish with breakfast to meet her in the north tower." Daemon hum before looking at the young woman to find her still avoiding looking at her, he tilt his head to the side looking at the girl in thought.

"Is there anything else you need, my lord." He watch for a second before grunting out a no and turning away from her to go back to bed.

The girl was quick to leave, she walk out to find other maids standing out waiting for her.


"Was he awake."

"Did you see it? " Another girl asked with a wide grin as they stood around their friend wanting what alora said was true.

"I saw...more than I wanted too." The red hair said embarrassed making the others giggle and pull their friend away from the door so she could tell them everything.

The gossip of what transpired between the queen and the prince spread around the castle like wildfire, some find it entertaining since the moment the prince arrived everyone got to see the banter between the two. It was like watching one of the plays that the bards would put on at the amphitheatre. Others did not care for the melodrama that is the queen's business, but they're were others who did not like the fact that the queen was sleeping with the rogue prince, some being the men who serve under the queen.

Rhaelle watch annoyed as Marrio and Banneth argue across the table, either men trying to out shout the other to get their points across. And all over who rhaelle was bedding.

"Shut up!" Rhaelle hiss slamming her hand down on the table making it shake, the two man stop and look at her just like the others.

"Banneth you have called a meeting regarding rumors when you know we have a snow storm right outside our shores," she glared at the older man who duck his head, "Rather than helping prepare my subjects, I had to spent the better half of my morning listening to YOU TWO FIGHT!" She stood from her chair piss and angry, both man look down ashame, they knew what they were doing was petty and could have been discussed at a later date.

"I am...sorry, my queen." Banneth spoke first looking up, marrio looks up and says the same thing, but this does not deterre rhaelle as she now have to set some things straight.

"I do not care for your sorries, I care about my people. So, it seems I need to make some things clear," she looks at marrio who was looking at the table, he was tracing his nail along the wood avoiding the queen's wrath.

"As much as I hate to discuss marriage especially since I am still married to the king, marrio..." The man look up and at rhaelle, "And I are still set to be married once the king's pass on," Marrio look away annoyed and upset, rhaelle notice and didn't show a lick of care, she knew what he was doing when he was arguing for rhaelle and daemon to be married.

"That's good to hear, my queen. But, the rumors..." Banneth trailed off when rhaelle gave him a look.

"What I do with daemon in my chamber is my business and mines alone," she said with a firm voice, so they will understand that daemon and her business was her business and nobody else's.

"I still do not understand." Meleah says, rhaelle glance at the woman, she haven't spoken to her since the argument in her room.

"What is there not to understand." She stated irritated.

"What if daemon wants more than just being your whore, I don't think he will take kindly that you will be marrying another." Meleah said, marrio glance at rhaelle to see her reaction, but rhaelle did not show any emotions as she spoke.

"If he doesn't like who I am marrying than he can fuck off back to King's Landing, I couldn't care less." All this talk about daemon this and that was getting on her nerves, she needed to go and make sure they had enough beds and blankets at the septon.

"But–" Meleah started.

"Why don't you let me worry about him and you worry about making sure there's no traitors among us trying to kill me." Meleah glare at the rhaelle with a look of annoyance, rhaelle gave her look that said she was not in a mood for arguing. Meleah was never one to let things go or listen.

"I'm just saying it would be better to marry daemon–"

"Meleah!" Banneth looks at her shock and slightly betrayed by her words.

"I am right and you all know it, a marriage between house targaryen will finally allow westeros to open up to us." She says looking around the table at the other men, "I'll agree with meleah." Marrio said making banneth roll his eyes in irritation.

"Oh, shut up, you fool." Banneth snap getting tired of marrio voice, "The queen has made her decision, thank the gods. We need House Rogare for their money and support, what do House Targaryen provide for us expect for complaints and their constant condescending attitude."

"You are confuse, dear friend. It is otto who treat us that way."

"Yes and king viserys let's him, and besides," Banneth crosses his arms over his chest, "The queen had said it countless of times that the rogue prince gets bored easily from his duties, what makes you think he won't give up on his duties to this kingdom when he is king."

"Because he loves her." Meleah says standing up as she looks at banneth, rhaelle turn her eyes over to the woman, "For months, he have shown her that he can be responsible and reliable, I have seen him in the morning with baelor going to his riding lessons and not one time was he absent. Not even when he and the queen didn't talk for weeks."

The men in the room were quiet.

"He even started going with valaena to do her duties, many have seen him in the city helping valaena feed the poor and visit the orphanage." Rhaelle brows shot up slightly, she didn't know about that she wonder why he didn't tell her, "Does that sound like the same man, who was said to abandon his duties for whores and chaos." She asked looking at banneth, the older man frown with a look of disappointment.

"I...I guess not," he said painfully making a small smile appear of meleah's lips, "I guess people can change, even a man who people refer to as the Rogue Prince can become...king material." He finish in disdain.

The young queen stare at Meleah with frustration, "I will like to talk ro the mistress of secrets alone, leave us." She announced to the men, they all stood up and bow at her as she continue staring at Meleah.

"Vogero. Marrio. Banneth" The hand of the queen, the lord of coin, and lord of law stop mid way of leaving their spot, "Wait outside I will need your help with gathering some guards and maids to help with the storm." They bow and walk out with the rest of the men leaving the queen and the priestess alone.

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