Chapter - 27

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As winter melted away spring sprouted like a blooming flower, so did rhaelle and daemon new found courtship. As the days pass, the lovers have been making themselves comfortable with domestic life, so have her children.

Valaena was happy her mother was happy, Aeron disapproved of the courtship still not liking daemon and thinks his mother could do better no matter what his sister says, Baelor didn't mind just as long his mother was happy and he was happy. As for Corwyn, well there was a bit of a heated conversation that lead to rhaelle feeling ashame and sadden, daemon and aeron glaring death stares at the prince, and valaena scolded corwyn as she pull him away by his ear. The young queen had hoped that telling them over dinner was better than having them hearing it through gossip, but nothing good ever goes her way but that feeling didn't last long when daemon comforted her when they were alone in her chamber.

Rhaelle had found it easy nowadays to open up to daemon, he was ever so gentle and understanding as he held her against his body. Each day, they were together made the castle feel brighter and her heart felt lighter and not heavy like before, and daemon felt the same way when he was around her.

It have been five full moons since the lovers been together, and five months of them making love and creating new memories together as well. One memorable moment was when the family went to the beach:

Rhaelle on the sand watching her son and god daughter run around on the beach, daemon was just further up a few feet away from her with valaena and adrielle as they played in the sand. Corywn and Aeron was on the left of her far enough to see them swinging their swords at one another, it was a beautiful evening the sunset was gorgeous.

These were the rare moments were they would be together in harmony without a snide comment being thrown at one another, she tilt her head to the sky as she close her eyes taking in deep breathe before exhaling as she listens to the sounds around her. She was in paradise. If everyday could be like this she would give her left arm and right leg for it to happen, she deserves this even if the small voice in the back of her mind whispers she doesn't.

"My belove." Rhaelle open her eyes and turn her head forward to look at daemon, "Want some company?" Rhaelle smile and motion her head to the spot next to her making daemon take a sit.

"Are you having fun, my love." She ask when daemon sat down next to her, he nod as he lean back on his elbows as he watch her baelor and marra splash around in the water.

"I have to say you were right, who knew the beach could be fun." He chuckle making rhaelle grin as she lean back so she was on her side looking at him.

"I'm sorry I thought I said heard you say, I was right." Daemon roll his eyes facing away from her as she laugh, she move her hand so her fingers would trail his naked arm and neck making him swat it away, "Say it again, dae. I wish to hear you say I was right again, come on, my handsome prince. Tell me I was right."

Rhaelle giggle as she taunt him, daemon shook his head as he refine from smiling.

"I came to keep you company, and here you are being mean." He tsk before move to get up making rhaelle watch with a small pout.

"Where you going, my love. I was just teasing." He grunt looking down at rhaelle.

"I'm going back to building my castle with Addy and Val, and away from your malice." Rhaelle gasp when daemon turn on his heels and kick a bit off sand on her breeches, she had on for their outing.

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