Chapter - 32

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It was close to dawn as rhaelle laid awake in her armchair facing the blazing fire, she sniff as she stare into space as her mind was elsewhere.

It been close to a month since daemon left, it been a week since he sent a letter to her explaining that it might take a bit longer for him to come home. Her mind was too muddled to worry if daemon was going to come back or not, it was too focus on her new status as a dowager queen now thoros has joined his wife. Rhaelle's hand rest near her mouth as tears form and sting her eyes at the thought of the late monarch, the funeral was days ago and she still hasn't stop crying.

The one man she considered as a father and who didn't treat her as a pawn or object was gone, it hurt so much to think about it. It was like jaehaerys all over again, one second his fine and happy and moving again and the next his back in bed and she is being woke up in the middle of the night told that it was time to say your goodbyes. She felt lost. She felt abandoned. She felt angry.

Rhaelle thoughts were interrupted by her stomach turning in discomfort, before she knew it she was holding her mouth as she gets up hurrying to the bucket that was near bedside and dropping down to her knees to puke up her supper. She retch before groaning as she move to push herself to lean against her the bed on the floor, she wipe her mouth with the back of her hand. She close her eyes tight feeling a headache coming on, why must she feel this way now she has so much to do and being sick is going to get in her way.

As rhaelle spit up more vomit into the bucket, a knock came from her door before it was opened making her turn her head weakly to see Meleah walking in and looking around. The priestess stop midway to see rhaelle on the floor clenching a bucket by her side.

"My Queen? Are you alright." She asked closing the door behind her before going to squat across from the queen.

"Yes, it's nothing. It will pass." Meleah look at rhaelle wary, rhaelle cast her eyes away from meleah worried eyes to the folded parchment in the woman's hand, "What is that." She motion her head to what meleah was holding, meleah took a sit on the floor before looking at the message that was sent from king's landing.

"It is a message from king viserys." Rhaelle roll her eyes leaning her head back so it could hit the side of her mattress.

"Throw it away, I am in no mood for him." Meleah frown a bit.

"It could be important." Rhaelle scoffed doubtfully, but nonetheless she took the message from meleah's outreach hand and opened it.

She scan her eyes over the words dully and carefully before dropping her hand in her lap with a look.

"What did it say, my queen." Meleah ask making rhaelle look at her.

"He invited me to celebrate the return of daemon, without baelor." meleah brows shot up in surpised.

"Will you go." Rhaelle shrugs her shoulder unsure, she didn't feel like leaving the castle but she knows she must.

"Not like I have a choice." She grunts moving to her knees and using her bed to get up, meleah follow suits watching rhaelle carefully as she went to her side of the bed and tug on the rope to signal the servants.

"Do you wish me to go with you, my queen." Rhaelle looks at meleah for a moment before shaking her head no.

"I can go by myself, I doubt I will be there long. Once they have they fun taunting me I will be home by midnight." Meleah frown at rhaelle's back as she walks around the room.

"On the other hand, maybe I should go...for support." Rhaelle turn her head to look at meleah as the young woman took a seat on the bed while staring back at the queen.

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