Chapter - 015

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The celebration was already in full swing as the lords and ladies of the serpent islands drink and socialize with each other. Some even from westeros came from what Daemon saw, he remembered the surpised looks they gave him when he walked in with baelor and his little friend close by him. Before he could go over they scattered away, he frown at display but he shrugged it off and followed baelor and marra around waiting for the queen's arrival.

"Prince Daemon?"

Daemon froze at the familiar voice and turned to see lord hobert with his wife and childern, lord hobert gave a polite smile as he came closer making daemon look him up and down.

"Lord Hightower, I am surpise to see you here." Daemon look down he felt a presents and saw baelor and marra come stand to his left side.

"I can say the same for you, we heard what happened to you lady-wife, we are so sorry for your loss." Daemon clenched his jaw to keep from showing his confusion and shock.

"Thank you, lord hightower." The older man bowed his head before leaving with his family.

A feeling of relief passed through Daemon, the old harlot was dead he was free, a smile slowly creeped onto his lips. A neutral look appeared when he looked at baelor and marra giving him odd looks, he shrug it off before walking through the crowd towards the table of food, baelor and Marra shared a look before following after him. The trio made it to the table, the back of Aeron was facing them as he talked to Valaena. The princess noticed daemon and others making her smile over aeron's shoulder, making the prince turn to see what she was looking at and gave a look of disdain when he saw daemon.

"Your still here." Valaena hit Aeron's arm with the back of her hand at his rudness.

"Nice to see you too, Ironheart." Daemon slap the prince's shoulder as he pass by to go to the table.

"Don't call me that." Aeron spat annoyed.

"Why not? You should be proud of your nickname, many great kings have them." Aeron gave them eyeroll as he empty his cup in his mouth before a servant pour him more.

"King Aeron Ironheart Velfrey. It fits." Baelor said to himself before looking at his brother with a amuse look.

"Why did they nickname you, Ironheart?" Marra asked looking at Aeron, the young prince shook his head.

"It was a joke-"

"Don't lie to the child, boy." Daemon says giving a aeron a mockingly stern look before he look to the young girl, "They called him Ironheart, because when he was in the stepstones. He fought with the strength of a thousand dragons and he showed no mercy to our enemies, as he cut through them like a hot knife to butter." Aeron was gulping down his mead as he rolled his eyes at daemon, marra looked enliven at tale.

"What is war like?" Marra asked Daemon.


"Thrilling." Aeron glared at Daemon as he stare back at the tongue prince.

"Now, who's lying now, cousin." Daemon gave a eyeroll.

"We all have our perceptive of war, the prince founds it unnerving while I found it exciting." Daemon smile looking Marra who was grinning.

"That's because your insane." Corwyn came up from the side pushing pass baelor who glare at his back as the green eye prince grabbed a goblet from the table.

"Rich coming from you, corwyn. You nearly killed half of our men on your ship, when you rammed head first into the enemies vassal." Corwyn grin at the memory.

"Did I not give you and my brother enough time to sail to Bloodstone, we all must make sacrifices in war, daemon. You taught us that." Corwyn raised his cup to Daemon before taking a gulp, Daemon grunt, sometimes daemon wished he never taken corwyn under his wing.

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