Chapter - 55

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Rhaenyra and Laenor were in Rhaelle and Daemon's chamber discussing the  arrangement they set out to do, laenor has chosen the latter to fake his death and leave to the stepstones with marrio. Rhaelle was disappointed that her brother choose to leave rather than stay, but somehow in his mind he is doing the ultimate sacrifice and allowing rhaenyra to be free and marry daemon.

Sometimes rhaelle wonders if her brother was ever on her side, he didn't even think about it and when rhaelle brought up his daughter he "assure" her that jaenara would be okay. He was okay to leave the life that corlys force upon him, as if the talk they had months ago never happen. He was once again running from his responsibilities, the idea to fake his death wasn't even necessary.

The group go over the plan on faking laenor's death, as well as making it look convincing for all who witness it. Rhaelle didn't like this she didn't like how this was going to play out, she wonder about laenor's children and how they will fare at the death of their father. She knows the boys will fare okay without their father but jaenara on the other hand, she fears the little girl would grow sadder at the devastating news and feel alone more than ever.

"It would be for the best that laenor stay behind here, while rhaelle and the  children stay at Driftmark castle as rhaenyra and I marry at the sept back at dragonstone." Rhaenyra and Laenor look at daemon at the mention of the sept.

"The seven do not condone polygamy how would–" Rhaenyra start but daemon interrupted.

"If Maegor the cruel can marry all his wife under the seven then so can I." Daemon said dull looking at his neice making rhaenyra give a eyeroll and laenor frown and look over at his sister who wore a faint smile.

"Whatever." She muttered moving from the couch over to the table to the table to pour herself some wine.

"O...kay," laenor says awkwardly as he sense the anger rolling off rhaenyra, "If we are going to pull this off, who will be the one to find my body." Laenor look to daemon.

"I would think the servant, no?" Rhaelle ask her husband, daemon look at rhaenyra who look back at him before downing her cup making daemon look at his wife.

"My thoughts were on...rhaenys and corlys." Rhaelle furrow her brows and frown unsure.

"I do not think my mother or corlys would be able to pull off a convincing act of show to their son's death." Daemon swallow as he move his hand to his wife's arm with a look that made her tilt her head.

"My love, I...I know you love your mother and i know you couldn't bear to lie to her, but..." Daemon trailed off as he struggle to get the words out, Rhaenyra set down her cup with a eyeroll as daemon stonewall.

"They can't know that laenor is alive, that's why we are not telling them." Rhaenyra says making daemon look over at her with a sharp glare, rhaenyra look at him with a blank look.

Rhaelle look between rhaenyra and daemon before stepping back making daemon look at her.

"My mother must know...she can't really believe her son is dead." Daemon gave rhaelle a empathic look as he step closer.

"Rhaelle–" Daemon reach for her only rhaelle to swap his hand away.

"No, daemon. I will not do it, I can live with corlys thinking it but my mother, I...I just can't." Rhaelle said downhearted.

"Rhaelle, you must think rational." Rhaelle look at her brother, "If mother knew that I was still alive you will just be making her more worried, if she knows that I am done she will get over it." Rhaelle sneer at her brother at his careless words.

"Get over it? She just lost a daughter and now possibly a son, and you think she just going to get over it." She resort making her brother give her a dreary look.

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