Chapter - 31

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Daemon laid in bed with rhaelle resting on his nake chest, his fingertips brush up and down her expose back as he stare at the ceiling in thought. Rhaelle was half awake with her eyes closed, she lazily running her finger around daemon's scar on the side of his neck before stopping and resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Rhae," he called quietly into the darkness after a few minutes of silence, rhaelle hummed in response, "You awake?" He asked.

"Barely," she mumble as she rub her cheek against his chest before settling, "Why? You want to go another round." She smile faintly, she could the rumble in his chest as he chuckle.

"No, but I'm not oppose to the idea," He says, making her let a low giggle, she move her head so her ear could be over his heart, his heart beat was steady and calm.

"I just wanted you to know that...I love you very much and...I'm going to fix things between our families. I'm going to make everhthing right." Rhaelle brows pinch together at his words, she didn't know what he meant and she honestly didn't want to know. She didn't want to ruin this peace between them so she just hummed in response.

"Just wanted you to know that, my belove." He whisper before pressing a kiss to rhaelle's hairline.

"I know and I love you too, daemon." She whisper back feeling her eyelids get heavy and her eyes sting, "I trust you to do what you have to," she yawn softly moving a bit to snuggle into his chest.

Daemon's hand went into her hair using his nails to gentle scatch her scalp making her drift off to sleep, when daemon was sure she was asleep he move her to lay on her pillow but he still kept his arms around her. He lay on his side gazing at the woman he love.

"I promise...I'm going to make him regret every hurting you," he mumbles, daemon mind was made up, he knows he doesn't have the guts to kill his brother but he certainly going to make his brother feel the same pain that he caused rhaelle for the past nine years.

The next morning, rhaelle was on her stomach with her arms under the pillows as her face faced the open curtains of the window,  it took her a while to wake up feeling the sun on her face making her blink repeatedly before turning the other way. She spread out her arms and legs feeling the bones in every part of her body pop and crack with her movements, she move her hand to rub the empty space beside her making her open her eyes fully and lift her to look beside to find daemon gone.

She frown and use her hands to lift her up before she turn her body to sit on her bottom, she touch the space where her lover was suppose to be it to find cold very cold which means he been gone for a while. She shuffle to the edge of the bed planting her feet on the fur rug before bending down to get her discarded night gown from last night, when she lifted it up and over her head to put it on she looked on her side table to find a folded parchment with a silver ring on top of it.

She took the silver ring recognizing it as daemons', it was a small ring that he put on his pink that had the targaryen three headed dragon engraved in the center. He never goes anywhere without it, she move to the parchment and unfolded it to find cursive words in black.

Dear, my belove Rhae

I am sorry I had to leave you. It pains me to think that you to had to wake up alone in bed, but do not fret I will not be gone long. That I promise, I am heading to King's Landing to tell my brother of our engagement. With or without the blessing of your husband or my brother, I will marry you and you can get that happily ever after that you truly deserve. All i ask in return is you have faith in me no matter what happens, know that I love you dearly and  I promise you I will return back home to you my sweet rhae.

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