Chapter - 017

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Rhaelle was perch on the stone table admiring her surroundings, she swing her legs back and forth as she listened to the birds and insects all around her. The moonlight shine down on the lake making it glisten, she took a deep breathe as she smelled the moss and sweet flowers that was sprouting around the pavilion.This place was her safe haven. Only a few knew about it, her dear friend, meleah, showed it to her years ago when she felt everything around her was becoming too much. She tries to come here atleast once a week for some peace, but it seems when she can't make it she would have her servants in her chamber giving her some relief.

She felt disgusted in herself using people for her own pleasure, even through they don't mind and are happy to do it for her which makes her feel a bit conceited. It didn't give her the feeling she felt when she first started, at first they were there to make her feel good which was great but now it just feels like a chore for them and herself to do. It didn't have that same passion like before the way they desire her and she them, but now it was one-sided and she doesn't know why she lost the desire she once had for them. She always told herself it was because of the stress of being queen, but then daemon came with his stupid presence and lusting eyes.

When Meleah sent in the servants for the queen, all her thoughts drifted to daemon as she imagine the servant boy with blonde hair between her legs and the girl kissing and biting her chest was daemon. It was one of few blissful moments she experience and all because of daemon, she hated him and his face and everything else that made him him.

Rhaelle shook her head, no she won't do it she will not spare another thought of that man, she was here to find peace and daemon did not bring her peace but chaos. She sigh to herself as she brush the thought of the rogue prince out of her mind, she looked up to the night sky to see the stars shine bright.

Yes, focus on the stars and how beautiful they are tonight, she said to herself, and not on your pending duties and the man that shall be name. She took in a deep breathe before letting out another sigh but this time a gentle relief, as she take in the beautiful night and the oeace that came with it.

"Rhaelle, thank gods I find you, I been walking around here for ages." Rhaelle wince at the sound of daemon's voice, she look up the ceiling of the pavillion.

Why so you hate me? What did I do, she asked the gods before moving to get off the stone table and turn towards daemon.

"You don't say." He came up to stand in front of you.

"This place amazing even better than the one in the red keep, but I can do without those statues standing around like people." Rhaelle bit her bottom lip to from smiling, she find the statue eerie when she first got here.

"Believe me. I am already working on getting them remove and relocated to a special place in the dungeon." Daemon grin before he turning his eyes around the pavilion, rhaelle watch him as he walks around taking in the place.

"This is an nice place to get away," he says, rhaelle hum in response making daemon look back at her. His eyes roam over her body like he did she stood on the platform.

"You look gorgeous tonight," she hum.

"You said that already." He took slow steps towards her.

"Did I?" She nodded as she stood in the same spot.

"Well, it needed to be said again," Rhaelle look down at her yellow gold flats with a faint smile at his sweet words, "...because what this gown is doing imto your breast is-" rhaelle let out a chortle before hitting daemon's chest making the prince laugh stepping back from her impact.

"That is not friendly like daemon."

"I am just jesting, my queen. Don't friends jest." He asked with a mischievous smile, making rhaelle shake her head.

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