Pilot Pt. 1

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              "I still have no idea how you talked me into this?," I whispered to Dean, as I climbed up the ladder after him. We were currently going to talk to Sam to bring him to help find dad. And Dean decided he didn't want to use the front door. I honestly didn't care he was missing, but Dean did, so I was helping.

               "Well, I can be very convincing," Dean shot back down, as he pulled himself up on Sam's room level. He reached down a hand to help me, which I gladly took.

                "Why are we breaking in through the window?," I asked, still needing clarification. He didn't answer me, just turned to open the window.

                  Once he got it slid open, he carefully climbed in. As I went to step over, my foot got caught and I tumbled onto the floor. I winched, knowing Sam most likely hear that. Dean helped me stand up.

                "You mind being a little quieter there, clumsy?" Dean offered, rolling his eyes. I rolled mine back. I opened my mouth to say something, when footsteps came down the hallway. Dean covered my mouth and pulled me back into the kitchen.

               A large figure steps into view, and I immediately recognized it as Sam. It was odd to see him in person after almost 2 years. We talked on the phone some, but it was different. I looked up again to see Sam gone. Dean started to walk back out, but was quickly hit by Sam, who had been hiding. Dean pinned him down. 

             "Woah, easy tiger," Dean joked, still holding Sam down

             "Dean?," Sam questioned, looking completely confused. "You scared the crap out of me."

             "That's because you haven't been practicing," Dean told him. Suddenly Sam flipped Dean over and held him down. "Or maybe you have, get off me." I laughed quietly.

            "Hey, sorry to break the reunion, but your sister's here too," I spoke up, stepping into the room. Sam looked up and saw me. "Please don't tackle me."

           "Cheyenne, you came too?" He walked up to me. Now he was even more confused. I patted his shoulder. Before I could begin explaining, a light turned on.

           "Sam, what's going on?" a women's voice came from behind us. We turned and saw a blond women in shorts and a t-shirt standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes, knowing what Dean was going to do. 

         "Dean, Cheyenne, this is my girlfriend Jessica," Sam explained. 

         "Wait, Dean and Cheyenne, you mean your brother and sister," Jessica questioned. Dean was looking her up and down. "Let me put something on."

          "No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it," Dean joked. I hit him on the arm, reminding him of why we had come here. He cleared his throat. "But, we need to borrow your boyfriend here to talk about some private family business."

          Sam spoke up. "Whatever you guys need to say, you can say it in front of both of us," Sam stated, standing next to his girlfriend. 

          "Okay, "I started, glancing at Dean, " Dad hasn't been home in a few days." I explained, hoping Sam would get the message.

          "So, he's working on a "miller time" shift, he'll stumble back in a few days," Sam explained, not fully understanding. Dean now took over.

         " Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days," He explained, staring straight at Sam.

         Sam's face changed. "Jess, can you excuse us."

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