Faith Pt 2

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 Sam and I left the hospital and went to the local library. We pulled anything about hearts and diseases and how to cure something in the body. We had a combination of science books and lore material. Now, everything was spread onto the two beds in our motel room. I laid on one, reading as quickly as I could, while Sam was on the phone. My stomach grumbled lightly. Sam and I hadn't got much food, or sleep for that matter, since we left the hospital.

 "This is John Winchester, I can't be reached," I heard dads voicemail for the millionth time in a row.  "If this is an emergency call my son Dean, 866-907-3235." I sighed. This was an emergency, one that Dean couldn't help with. 

 I actually believed that dad might answer, since Dean was hurt. But he had once again disappointed me. 

There was a beep on the phone, and Sam spoke. "Hey, dad, it's Sam." he started. "You probably won't even get this, but, it's Dean."  He took a breath and continued. "He's sick, and, uh, the doctor says there's nothing they can do." I looked away, swallowing back tears. "But, they don't know the things we know, right?" He chuckled, breaking the silence. "So don't worry, cause Cheyenne and I, we're gonna do whatever it takes to get him better." He stopped talking for moment. "Just wanted you to know." He ended the voicemail, setting the phone beside him.

 "Sam," He looked over at me. "What are we gonna do?" I asked. I wanted to know what plan he had to stop this. "I mean, if Dean dies..." 

 "No," Sam stated. He stood up and walked over to my bed. "You can't think like that, okay, I mean it when I say we are going to help him." Sam assured me, sitting on the bed. He held his arms open and fell into them, breathing in the scent of Sam. 

 "I believe you," I whispered. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until a knock on the door alerted us. We both stood, Sam pushed me slightly behind him. He pulled the door open and we both stood shocked. Dean was leaning on the door frame.

 "What the hell are you doing here?" Sam questioned, as Dean made his way in the room.

"I checked myself out," Dean stated, like there was no issue. My eyes grew wider.

"Dean are you crazy," My older brother looked over at me. "You need doctors to help you right now, Dean." 

"I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot," Dean argued. I rolled my eyes, and made my way back to the bed.

"You know, this whole, "I laugh in the face of death" thing, it's crap," Sam told him. "I can see right through it, Cheyenne can too." Dean turned to face me, and I quickly looked down at my book. 

 "Yeah, whatever dude," Dean ignored our brothers words. "Have you two even slept?" He looked over at me. I know that the both of us looked a mess. "You guys look worse than me."

"Well, I'm sorry that we've been a little distracted trying to figure out how to help you, even though, you could care less," I snapped at him. Dean looked back at Sam, who shrugged his shoulders. Sam helped Dean walk across the room and sit on the chair across from me. 

 "We've been scouring the internet and books for the last three days," Sam explained. "Been calling every contact in dad's journal." 

"For what?" Dean questioned. I rolled my eyes. I was getting sick and tired of this attitude he had.

 "For a way to help you," I said, a bit harsh. Dean softened at my expression. For a moment, I thought he might be feeling bad. "One of them called back, right Sam," I looked over at him. He nodded. 

 "Yeah, Joshua," Sam began. "Told me about a guy in Nebraska, a specialist."

"You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you." Dean joked. The boys smirked. I cleared my throat, making them look at me.

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