Skin Pt 1

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     We had been driving for a few days, and we're currently stoping for gas. I ran in the shop for some snacks.

    "You two want anything," I yelled as I left the car. Dean said no and I Sam just shook his head, looking down at his phone. 

    As I left, I heard Dean telling Sam how far we had left to go. I pushed the door open and went to the snack aisle. Grabbing a few food items and a drink. I got in line to pay. When I walked back to the car, Dean was leaning into Sam's window.

   "I don't think this is our kind of problem," I heard Dean tell Sam.

   "It is our problem, they're my friends," Sam argued back. 

 "St. Louis is 400 miles behind us, Sam," Dean stated. I walked up to them. 

  "What's going on?" I questioned. Dean looked at me and back down at Sam.

  "Apparently, we're going to help one of Sam's buddies," He sighed, and went around back to check the fuel. 

   I looked at Sam, who just smirked, having got his way.

 "Sounds like a plan," I hoped back in the car. A few minutes later, Dean joined us, and we headed back to Sam's friends in Stanford.  On the way, Sam explained that a friend of his had been convicted of murdering his girlfriend, but there was no way he could have done it. I had to be honest, it really didn't seem like our kind of thing. 

     Sam gave Dean an address and we headed to the house. All three of us headed up to the front door and Sam knocked. It opened, revealing a girl near Sam's age. 

    "Oh, my god, Sam." She said, clearly not expecting to see him.

   "Well, if it isn't little Becky," Sam teased, with a smirk. 

  She rolled her eyes playfully. "You know what you can do with that "little becky" crap," She told Sam. The two hugged and Dean looked over at me with a smirk

  "Leave them alone," I mouthed, knowing what he was thinking. 

  "I didn't think that you would come here," Becky told Sam. 

 Dean stepped forward. "Dean, older brother," he stuck out his hand. She shook it.

  "And this is Cheyenne, my sister," Sam said, pointing back at me. I gave a wave and a smile, which she returned. "We're here to help." Sam told her. "Whatever we can do."

    She let us in the house. "Nice place," Sam commented, as we looked around the large house.

  "It's my parents," She told us. "I was crashing here for the long weekend, when everything happened." She explained. "I decided to take the semester off, and I'm gonna stay till Zach's free." 

     "Where are your folks," Sam asked, as we followed her through the house. 

  "They live in Paris for half the year, so they're on their way home for the trail" Becky explained. "Do you guys want a beer or something?"

  "Hey," Dean commented, but Sam stopped him. 

  "No, thanks," He told her, looking at Dean, who glared. "So tell us what happened."

    "Well, um, Zach had come home, and he found Emily tied to a chair," Becky began to tell us. "And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing." She took a breath and her eyes got watery. "So he... he called 911, and the police showed up, and... and they arrested him." 

   "But the thing is, the only way that Zach could have killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time," She continued. "The police, they have a video, it's from the security tape from across the street."

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