Pilot Pt 3

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      Suddenly, the women jumped off the bridge. Sam and Dean ran over to where she had been. I followed, not getting to close to the edge. 

       "Where did she go?" Dean asked, looking down at the rushing water.

       "I don't know," Sam questioned, looking around the bridge. 

   I jumped when I heard the roar of an engine. The three of us looked over to see the impala had started. "What the...?" I stuttered, walking closer to my brothers

     "Who's driving your car?," Sam asked, also confused. 

     Dean reached in his pocket and pulled out the key, which was the only key. My eyes widened. 

The tired started turning, throwing dirt behind the car, as it began to drive right towards us. Dean grabbed my arm and the three of us began running in the other direction. I saw Sam glance at the edge and then at us. My stomach turned when I knew what he meant. We had to jump over the bridge. As much as I hated the idea, it was better than being run over. I took a deep breath and jumped, following my brothers.

       "AHHHHH," I screamed, as I fell. Then there was a burst of cold, as my body splashed into the water. Now, I would say that I am a decent swimmer. However, after falling off a bridge and being scared of heights, the last thing my mind thought of was swimming. I began to struggle to stay a float. "Dean! Sam! Help!" I called out, struggling with the water splashing in my face. I could feel my chest tighten and realized I could die.

        Out of nowhere, arms wrapped around me, pulling me up above the water. 

       "Hey, hey, calm down, I got ya," I heard Dean say. He began to pull me out of the water. I had a death grip on his arms.

     We got to land and he laid me down. Even though I wasn't in the water, I still clung to him. I struggled to catch my breath, as I began to have a panic attack. Dean kneeled next to me, wiping the hair from my face.

      "Hey, hey, sweetheart, you got to calm down," He began to tell me. "Take deep breaths, please, come on."

     "I-I... C-Can't D-Dean," I managed to get out. The next thing I heard was Dean call up to Sam, who must have managed to hold on to the bridge.

     "Cheyenne, match my breathing, come on," Dean begged. This wasn't the first time I had a panic attack, so he knew the drill. He grabbed my hand and put it over his heart. "Slow down, sweetheart, your safe."

       I heard footsteps running to towards us and soon Sam was in my line of eyesight. He was clearly worried. 

     "What happened,?" He asked Dean, gently grabbing my face with his hands.

     "Panic attack, my guess, from falling from the bridge," Dean explained, still looking down at me. At this point, my breathing was slowing down.

    "Okay, Cheyenne, you good,?" Sam questioned, rubbing his hand over my cheek. I couldn't get any words out, but nodded. Dean looked relieved and helped me sit up more. 

     "Can you walk?" Dean asked, helping me stand once I had sat for a minute. Once again, I nodded. My brothers each stuck a hand out and pulled me up. I glanced up from where I had jumped.

      "Sweetheart, let's get to a motel, okay," Sam soothed, putting an arm around my waist.

     "That sounds great," I almost whispered. Dean smiled, enjoying that I was talking again. With help from my brothers we walked up to the impala, which looked fine.

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