Asylum Pt 2

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  Dean and I were waiting outside of Creek View Medical Center. Sam had made an appointment to talk to a relative of the Ellicott from the asylum. We needed more information about what happened at the south wing. As we stood, Dean turned to me.

  "How are you doing, Cheyenne?" I glanced over at him.

 "What do you mean?" I smiled, honestly having no clue what he was talking about.

 "Well, typically, I'm the one standing up for dad," He explained. "But the last few days, you have been the one to agree with me as well." 

  "I just want to get this hunt done, okay?" I asked, looking up at him. 

 "Listen, you have a bigger right than anyone to not want to do what dad says," Dean stated. "So, why were you so certain that we should come to this place." 

  "Because... I know that at some point, we will find dad," I looked down. "And...I know that he'll be upset that I was even with you guys, so my goal is to not piss him of even more and...." I took a breath. "Not give him... a reason to hurt me more." 

  Dean walked closer to me. "Cheyenne, you know that Sam and I will make sure that he can't hurt you, right?" I nodded. "Because, believe me, you will not be left alone with him." 

  "I know Dean, and I do trust both of you." I stated. "But... I can't help but be scared." My voice trembled slightly.

  "Hey, we don't have to worry about that... at least... not for now." He assured me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Suddenly, Sam came out of the building.

  "Sam, you were in there forever," I commented, as we followed him. "What the hell were you talking about."

  "Just the hospital, you know." Sam told us. 

  "And?" Dean asked, clearly wanting to know more.

And the south wing," Sam began to tell us. "It's where they housed the real hard cases... the psychotics, the criminally insane."

  "Sounds cozy," Dean joked.

"Yeah, and one night in '64, they rioted... attacked the staff, attacked each other," Sam continued. 

  "So, the patients took over the asylum?" I asked, and Sam nodded. "Any deaths?"

 "Some patients, some staff," Sam listed. "I guess it was pretty gory, some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott." 

  "What do mean never recovered," Dean questioned.

 "Cops scoured every inch of the place, but I guess the patients must have... stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden."

 "That's lovely," I grimaced. Thinking about a rotting, dead body, was not pleasant. 

"So, they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good," Sam finished. 

"Alright, to sum this up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and unrecovered bodies." Dean clarified with Sam. 

"Which could mean a bunch of angry spirits," Sam suggested. 

"Good times," Dean commented. "Let's check out the hospital tonight." My eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, tonight?" I questioned. "Do you have some sort of death wish?"

"Cheyenne, you know that these spirits won't act up in daylight," Dean explained. "So night is the only option." 

 "Fine, whatever," I got in the impala. 

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