Hell House Pt 1

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It's been a few days since dad showed up. We had been on the road, trying to relax after everything had happened. I have been sleeping a little better, only waking from nightmares a few times every night. Both my brothers made sure that I got enough food as well. 

Currently we were on our way to Richardson, Texas. Sam had gotten word of some weird stuff happening and we were headed to check it out. 

"How much longer, Dean," I whined like a little kid. He looked back at me. As much as he hated the whining, he would much rather have that, then me crying. 

"Not much longer, Cheyenne," He stated, looking in the rearview mirror. Sammy was sleeping in the passenger seat. 

I leaned over, putting my chin on Dean's shoulder. "I'm bored."

Dean glanced at Sam sleeping, and then back at me. I saw a smirk on his lips. "Watch this, sweetheart," He grabbed a plastic spoon from on of the many fast food restaurants we stopped at. 

I watched as he carefully placed the spoon into Sam's open mouth, making sure not to wake him. I giggled quietly, knowing Sam was gonna get so mad. Dean pulled out his phone and snapped a quick photo, to remember this moment. He reached up to the volume nob, turning it loud enough to wake Sam, singing loudly along to the words. Sam woke with a start, confused as he pulled the spoon out. Now I laughed out loud. He glared at Dean. I sunk in my seat.

"Ha ha," Sam muttered. "Very funny."

"Hey, Cheyenne was the one who said she was bored," Dean blamed. I gasped. How dare he blame me. 

"Is that so?" Sam questioned, turning to me in the back. 

"Yeah, but in my defense, he had the spoon idea," I argued. 

"Sorry," Dean stated. "Not a lot of scenery here in east Texas... you kind of got to make your own."

"Man, we're not kids anymore," Sam told him. "We're not gonna start that crap up again."

"Start what up," Dean questioned.

"That prank stuff," Sam stated. "It's stupid, and it always escalates."

I laughed again thinking about all the pranks over the years. I was lucky enough to stay out of it by helping both boys get each other a few times. 

"What's the matter, Sammy?" Dean asked. "You afraid you're gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again?"

"Cheyenne, help," Sam begged, looking back at me. I raised my hands up.

"Uh uh, I am not getting involved in this," I stated. 

Sam sighed and looked back at Dean. "All right," he agreed to the pranking. "Just remember, you started it."

"Oh, bring it on, baldy," Dean teased. 

"I swear you two are children in grown men's bodies," I chuckled. 

"Where are we, anyways?" Sam questioned, trying to forget about the pranking. 

"A few hours outside of Richardson," Dean told him. "Give us the lowdown again." 

Sam grabbed a newspaper article from the dash. I leaned back up to hear and see him better. 

"All right, about a month or two ago, this group of kids goes poking around this local haunted house..." He started to explain.

"Haunted by what?" I interrupted. 

"Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit," Sam stated. "Legend goes it takes girls and string them up in the rafters." 

"That's comforting," I sighed. 

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