Scarecrow Pt 2

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Sam drove us, while Dean researched the names dad had given him. 

"So, the names dad gave us, they're all couples?" Sam asked. 

"Three different couples, all went missing." 

"And they're all from different towns, different states?" I questioned, leaning over the seat. 

Yeah, Washington, New York, Colorado," Dean listed. "Each couple took a road trip cross-country." He explained. "None of them arrived at their destination and none were heard from again." 

"Well, it's a big country," Sam commented. "They could have disappeared anywhere."

"Yeah, the could have, but each one's route took them through the same part of Indiana..." Dean told us. "Always on the second week of April, one year after another."

"This is the second week of April," I realized.

"Yep." Dean looked down at the map.

"So dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?" Sam questioned.

 "Yahtzee," Dean stated. "Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this?" I looked over his shoulder. "The different obits dad had to go through - Dad's a master."

 Sam sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. Dean and I glanced up. 

"What are you doing, Sam?" I asked, looking behind us. 

"We're not going to Indiana," Sam stated. 

"We're not?" Dean questioned. I had a strong sense that this was about dad. 

"No, we're going to California," Sam told us. "Dad called from a payphone - Sacramento area code."

 "Sam," I tried to intervene but was stopped. 

"Cheyenne, Dean, if this demon killed mom and Jess and dad's closing in, we got to be there." Sam explained. "We've got to help."

 "Dad doesn't want our help," I told him. 

"Well I don't care," Sam looked back at me. I looked at Dean for help.

 "He's given us an order," Dean told Sam. 

"I don't care," he said again. Dean was silent. "We don't always have to do what he says." I took a breath.

 "I can't listen to this," I said. I opened the door and got out, walking to the back of the impala. I could hear the muffled sound of their argument. A few minutes later, Sam got out, followed by Dean. 

"You're a selfish bastard, you know that?" Dean told Sam. I walked over to Dean.

 "Please, Dean, just stop," I begged quietly. Dean ignored my plea. He walked over to where Sam was getting in the trunk.

 "You just do whatever you want." he continued. "You don't care what anybody thinks."

"That's what you really think?" Sam asked, turning to Dean.

 "Yes it is," Dean stated. 

"Well, this selfish bastard is going to California," Sam closed the trunk. My eyes widened.

 "Sam, you can't just leave," I stated, walking up to him. "Please." I begged. He looked down at me, but turned away. He started to walk away.

 "Come on, you're not serious," Dean asked. 

"I am serious," Sam continued to walk away.

"Sam, it's the middle of the night," I argued, trying to follow him. Tears began to cloud my eyes. Dean grabbed my arm and pulled my back. 

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