Shadow Pt 1

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After spending a week in the motel, I finally felt completely better. I was so happy to be back to my normal ways and so were the boys. It was perfect timing two, Sam had found us another case. We hauled off towards Chicago Illinois. From Sammy told us, a woman had been killed in her apartment. There had been no sign of a break-in and the alarm system hadn't been triggered. 

  The boys decided to go in as employees from the alarm company, trying to figure out what happened. It wouldn't have made since that they would send three people in to do the job, so I decided to wait outside of the building. 

After a waiting what seemed like ages, the boys returned. They had found some key things. First, the EMF reader went off haywire when they were in the the apartment. Second, the blood spatter on the carpet formed some, weird shape. Sam drew it for me on a piece of paper. It was like nothing any of us had seen. And last but not least, Dean found out from the cops that the woman, Meredith, her heart was missing when the body was found. 

We split up. Dean headed to the local bar, the one that Meredith had worked at, to "get information". Sammy and I both knew he was gonna try and get more than just information. But we let him go, while the two of us headed to the library and talked to some locals about the symbol that was on the carpet. We met up a few hours later. 

 As we walked in, we saw Dean leaning over the bar talking to one of the woman. I rolled my eyes. "Let's get a table," I told Sammy, leading him down to one of the empty spots. 

Dean joined us a few minutes later. "I talked to the bartender," Dean stated. Sam barely looked up from the newspaper he was reading. I smirked at my brother.

"Did you get anything... besides her number?" I questioned. He looked at me shocked. 

"Cheyenne, I'm a professional," He argued. "I'm offended that you would thing that." I gave him my best "you're kidding me" face.

He smiled, holding up a napkin with a number on it. "All right," he admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"You mind doing a little bit of thinking with your upstairs brain, Dean?" Sam looked up at him now. I covered up my smile with my hand. 

"There's nothing to find out," Dean stated. "Meredith worked her, she waited tables," he explained. "Everyone here is her friend, and everyone says she's normal." he continued. "She didn't do or say anything weird before she died." he looked down at what we were reading. "What about that symbol... did you two find anything?"

"Nope, nothing," Sam told him. "It wasn't it dad's journal or in any of the usual books." He looked behind me, getting distracted.

"I think we have to dig deeper," I spoke. "Look in more places, read more books." Dean groaned at that. Sam turned back to us, chuckling. 

"There was first victim, right, before Meredith?" He questioned. I nodded, searching for the newspaper article.

"Yeah, his name was, uh..." I finally found the paper. "His name was Ben Swardstrom," I read and then handed it over to Dean. "Last month he was found mutilated in his town house," I continued. "It was the same thing... the door was locked and the alarm was on."

"Is there a connection between the two of them?" Dean questioned. 

"Nothing we could tell," Sam stated. "Ben was a banker, Meredith was waitress." he told our brother. "They never met, never knew anyone in common... they were practically from different worlds."

"So, to sum things up, the only successful information we have got is the bartender's phone number for Dean," I stated. I opened my mouth to say something, but Sam stared off in the distance, past Dean.

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