Dead in the Water Pt 3

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   After a short, yet awkward, drive, we found the yellow house from the photo. We knocked on the front door. An elderly woman opened the door.

     "We're sorry to bother you ma'am, but does a little boy live here by chance?" Dean asked. "He might wear a blue ball cap, and has a red bicycle?" 

   The woman looked troubled. "No sir, not for a very long time." She replied. "Peter's been gone for 35 years now." She explained. So the boy in the photo must have passed away. 

   "The police never.." She began, but paused. "I never had any idea what happened." She rephrased. "He just disappeared." 

   "Losing him, you know, it's... "She stuttered. "It's worse than dying." We looked at each other, remembering that phrase from Mr. Carlton. 

    Dean nodded, trying to be gentle. "Did he disappear from here, I mean, from this house?" He inquired. She shook her head.

    "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up," She said, tears brimming her eyes. We asked to look around and she agreed.

    I walked up to a mirror, and saw a picture of two boys in what looked like boy scout uniforms. "Dean, look at this," I called, grabbing it carefully. I turned it over.

   "Peter Sweeny and Billy Carlton, 1970" Dean read the writing on the back. Sam walked up behind us. We looked at each other. We were headed back to the Carltons. 

    "Okay, this little boy, Peter Sweeny, vanishes, and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow." Sam states.

   "Ya, Bill Carlton sure as hell seems to be hiding something, huh?" Dean questions.

     "Bill, the people he loves, they're all getting punished," I voice, sitting up in my seat.

     "So what if Bill did something," Dean suggested.

     "What if Bill killed him?" Sam finished.

     "Peter's spirit would be furious," I pointed out. "It'd want revenge, so, it's possible."

     We pulled up to the Carlton house and made our way out to the lake, where we knew he would most likely still be.  Yet, he wasn't around. 

     We check inside and then walk around calling out for him.

   "Hey," Dean got our attention and looked out at the lake. I glanced over to see Mr. Carlton taking a boat towards the middle of the water. Dean starts running to the dock, and Sam and I quickly follow. 

     "Mr. Carlton, you need to come back!" Dean yelled out, stopping at the edge of the dock. 

     "Come out of the water, turn the boat around!" Sam screamed across the water. I just watched, not able finding the right words to say. 

        Mr. Carlton looked back at us with a sad face. He continued to ride the boat out. Out of nowhere, the boat was shot out of the water in what looked like an explosion.

  "Oh my god!" I screamed, and turned to face Dean. He pulled me into his arms , while him and Sam watched as Mr. Carlton disappeared into the lake. 

   After the authorities were called, we headed back to the station with Officer Devin. Walking in, we saw that Andrea and Lucas were there as well. Officer Devin asked what Andrea was doing there and she said she had brought him food. She then looked over at us.

    "I heard about Bill Carlton, is it true?" She asked. "Is something going on with the lake?

   Officer Devin looked back at us, and then turned back to his daughter. "Right now, we don't know what the truth is, but I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home." 

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