Scarecrow Pt 3

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A few minutes later we pulled back into the station. Just our luck, the girl was outside. Dean pulled up the pump and we got out.

"You're back," She stated. 

 "Never left," Dean told her. We walked around the car, to where she was standing.

 "You still looking for your friends?" She asked, looking at both of us.

 "Mind filling her up, Emily," I asked, looking at her necklace that had her name. She nodded and grabbed the pump. We leaned against the back of the car.

"So, did you grow up here?" Dean asked her. She stood up and looked at him.

 "I came here when I was thirteen," She told us. "I lost my parents, car accident, and my aunt and uncle took me in."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I told her. "But, they seem like nice people." I commented on her family. 

"Everybody's nice here," She explained. 

"So, what, it's the perfect little town?" Dean asked. She laughed a bit.

 "You know, it's the boonies, but I love it," She admitted. "I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, and their farms," She explained to us. "But here, it's almost like we're blessed." I glanced at Dean, who nodded at Emily.

 "Hey, you been out in the orchard?" He asked her. "Seen that scarecrow?" 

"Ya, it creeps me out," She laughed.

 "You and me both," I agreed. I'm glad someone else found it weird. 

 "Whose is it?" Dean questioned. 

 "I don't know," She admitted. "It's just always been there." 

 I looked back and saw a car in front of the garage. It appeared that it was broke down. "It that you're aunt and uncles?" 

 "Customer," she corrected. "They had some car trouble."

"It's not a couple, is it," Dean questioned. "A guy and a girl?" 

She nodded in agreement. Dean looked over at me and I knew exactly what he was thinking. This couple was most likely the next victims. 

Dean asked where the couple was at and Emily stated that they had gone to have pie at Scotty's. We made our way to the building and walked inside. 

 "Hey, Scotty," Dean said, waving at the man. We saw the couple, who had just been served their pie. "Can I get a coffee black, and a water for the lady here," he asked, walking in farther. Scotty made his way behind the counter, while we took a seat right next to the couple. 

 Dean looked down at their plates. "And can we get a couple slices of that pie too?" Dean asked the man. I rolled my eyes.

 "Really Dean, pie?" I questioned. He glared at me.

 "Shut it," he stated, sitting back in his chair. He turned to the couple. "How you doing?' He asked. They looked over at us. "Just passing through?"

 The girl nodded. "Road trip," She stated.

 "Same here," I told her. Before I could say anything else, Scotty came by to refill their drinks.

 "I'm sure these people want to eat in peace." Scotty stated, not looking up at us. 

 "Just a little friendly conversation," Dean explained. "Oh, and our coffee and water too." Scotty gave us a look before going back to the kitchen. Dean turned back to the couple. "So, what brings you to town?"

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