Hook Man Pt 1

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    We had been driving for a few days. Ever since we left the shifter case, we had been working on tryin to find dad. Right now we were at a little coffee shop. Sam was on the phone, and Dean and I were sitting at a table. 

   "All right, thank you for your time," I overheard Sam reply, hanging up the phone.

   "Your, uh, half-calf venti vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis," Dean teased, as he saw Sam walking over to us.

  "You could be a little nicer," I told Dean, "So, anything," I asked, as Sam sat down. 

  "I had them check the FBI's missing-persons databank," Sam informed. "No "John Does" fitting that description." I sighed shaking my head. We still couldn't find dad.

   "I even ran his plates for traffic violations," Sam added.

    "I'm telling you, I don't think dad wants to be found." Dean told Sam again. Sam mumbled something. Before they could get in a fight, I spoke up. 

  "Check this out," I said, sliding the laptop over towards them a bit. "News item of of "Plains Courier, Ankeny, Iowa, it's only about 100 miles from here" The boys looked at the screen. 

   "Mutilated body was found near the victim's car parked on 9 mile road," Sam read out loud. 

  "Keep reading," I said, grabbing my soda and taking a sip. 

 "Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer," Dean continued for Sam. "The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoting as saying, "The attacker was invisible."," He finished

   "It could be something interesting," I stated, turning the laptop back to me. 

  "It could be nothing, Cheyenne" Sam argued. "One witness who didn't see anything, doesn't mean it's an invisible man." I rolled my eyes and turned to Dean, hoping he would be on my side.

  "But what if it is?" Dean argued for me. "Dad would check it out." 

  After a bit more convincing, we got out on the road to Iowa. We read some more on the way, and found out the boy who was murdered was a college student. Sam found where he lived and gave Dean directions. When we pulled up to the building, I saw a few boys standing around. I got out of the car and headed towards the front door, when Dean stopped me.

   "Maybe you should wait in the car, Cheyenne," He suggested. I gave him a confused look. "I don't want you around this kinds of guys." 

   I turned to look at the house and saw a few of the boys were staring at me. This must be what they call a "frat house.'

  "Oh, come on, Dean," I sighed, loving the protection, but also hating it. "I'll be fine, I know you'll punch any guy who tries anything." I patted his cheek and followed Sam up to the house. Dean walked right behind me, giving all the guys dirty looks.

  We stopped in front of a few guys working on a car.

   "Nice wheels," Dean commented. The guys looked up at him, clearly confused. "We're your fraternity brothers from Ohio." Dean explained. "We're new in town, transfers, looking for a place to stay." 

  One of the guys stood up and eyed all of us, stopping on me. "What about her?" He asked, smirking a bit.

  I stepped forward, past my brothers. "I'm their sister," I stuck my hand out and he shook it. I could feel Dean touch my back, but ignored him. "I'm just here to make sure these rascals get moved in," I explained. "Is it is alright if we look around inside." I asked, giving him a smile.

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