Devils Trap Pt 3

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Once we arrived at the cabin, the boys took dad back to a bedroom and laid him down. He clearly needed some rest. Sam began to go around the house, lining the edges with salt, just in case. Dean began to look over my injuries and treat them.

"Ow," I whispered, as Dean wiped on of the cuts. He wanted to make sure that none would get infected. 

"Sorry, sweetheart, but it has to be done," Dean explained, continuing to clean the cut. "Now, you're gonna have a bruise for a bit and a headache, but... you'll live," he said, standing up. He kissed my forehead and went to check on dad. 

I watched him walk into the bedroom, a million thoughts going through my brain. Sam glanced over, watching me watch Dean.

"You okay, Cheyenne?" He asked. I nodded. I decided to stand up and help him with the salt. 

"Yeah, I mean we're all okay, and dad's okay too, so..." I nodded. 

"You scared?" He asked, walking over to me. "Because if you are, it's okay, Dean and I understand."

"I know," I assured him. "I just... don't know what's gonna happen now."

"Me neither, but we'll get through this together," He stated. Dean walked out of dad's room. "He okay?"

"Yeah, just needed a little rest, that's all," Dean reassured us. He sat back down on a chair, cleaning the colt. I wonder how dad would react to us using a bullet. 

"Hey, you don't think we were followed here, do you?" Sam asked. 

Dean glanced up at him. "I don't know... I don't think so." He stated. "We couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up."

We were silent for a moment. "Dean," I spoke up. He looked up at me, as did Sam. "You saved my life back there."

"So, I guess you're glad I brought the gun, huh?" Dean asked, more to Sam than to me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, sitting beside him.

"I'm trying to thank you, Dean," I told him. He looked over at me and used one hand to wrap around me waist, pulling me into a hug.

"You're welcome," he finally said. I held onto him tight. Sam walked around, behind us. Dean let me go after minute.

"Guys, you know that guy I shot?" Dean asked. "There was a person in there." I wrapped my arms around his, and held him closer. 

"You didn't have a choice, Dean," Sam argued. "Cheyenne was hurt."

"I know," Dean admitted. "That's not what bothers me." I watched his eyes water.

"Than what does?" I asked, still holding onto his arm.

"Killing that guy, killing me," He explained to us. "I didn't hesitate... I didn't even flinch." Now I started to get emotional. "For you, dad, or Sam, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just... it scares me sometimes."

I leaned my head onto his shoulder. He leaned his own on top of mine, taking in the comfort. 

"It shouldn't," dad spoke. We looked up to see him in front of us. I pulled myself from Dean, knowing he wouldn't want dad to see him like that. "You did good."

"You're not mad," Dean questioned. I was concerned. It wasn't like dad to be so calm over something like this. 

"For what?" Dad asked. 

"Using a bullet," Dean stated, like it was obvious. 

"Mad?" Dad questioned. "I'm proud of you... of all of you." Now, I was more concerned. In my whole life, dad has never been proud of me. "Sam and I can get pretty obsessed," his eyes flickered over to Sam. "But you, you watch out for this family... for Cheyenne and Sam and I." 

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