Route 666 Pt 3

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The next morning we woke up to more bad news. Someone else was killed, the Mayor. We made our way to the crime scene. It was a plot of land, apparently the mayor had just bought it. It was all just odd. The mayor hadn't even been in his car when he was killed, but the way it looked, he had been ran over. Sam called Dean, who was headed over to meet us. 

 Sam and I stood by the cops and I turned to see Dean approaching us. Sam let the officer know that Dean was with us and he walked away.

"So, where were you last night," Sam questioned. He couldn't help but tease our older brother and Dean was practically asking for it. "You didn't make it back to the motel."

"Nope," Dean stated, walking away. We followed behind him. We watched as the ambulance took the body away. It didn't stop Sam and I. 

"I'm assuming you guys worked things out," I pondered. 

"We'll be working things out when we're 90," Dean stated. "So, what happened?" he redirected the conversation. 

"Everyone bone crushed, internal organs turned to pudding," I told him what the cops said. "The cops are all stumped, but it's almost like something ran him over." I looked at Dean. 

"Something like a truck?" Dean questioned. I nodded. "Tracks?"

"Nope," I stated. 

"What was the mayor doing her anyway," He asked, looking around.

"He owned the property, bought it a few weeks ago," Sam explained. 

"Yeah, but he's white," Dean commented. "Doesn't fit the pattern."

"Killing didn't happen up on the road," Sam told him. "That doesn't fit either." 

We stayed around for bit, talking to few other people around. We decided to split up, Dean would go with Cassie to research the 60s killings and Sam and I would go to the courthouse for records on the property the mayor bought. 

A while later, Sam and I exited the building having found exactly what we were looking for and maybe even an answer. Sam pulled out his phone to call Dean. 

"The courthouse records show that Mr. and Mrs. Mayor bought an abandoned property," Sam explained to Dean. "The previous owner was the Dorian family, for like 150 years."

I tried to get as close as I could to Sam, to hear Dean's response. He must have been asking Cassie a question, but I couldn't quite make it out. Then we heard clicking of a keyboard. 

"That's interesting," Dean said after minute. I looked at Sam, questioningly.

"What?" Sam asked him. 

"This Cyrus Dorian, vanished in April of '63," Dean explained to him. "The case was investigated but never solved." Dean read off to us. "It was around the time the string of murders was going on." At this point, I had to talk to him. I pulled the phone from Sam and brought it to my ear. 

 "We pulled a bunch of papers up on the Dorian place," I explained to him. "It must have been in bad shape when the mayor bought it."

"Why is that?" Dean questioned. 

"Well, the first thing he did was bulldoze the place," I stated. Once again, his voice got quiet as he spoke to Cassie.

"You got a date?" Dean asked. I looked over at Sam, mouthing for him to tell me the date. 

"The third of last month," he told me, and I repeated that for Dean. Once again, I heard keyboard clacking.

"Mayor Todd bulldozed the Dorian family home on the 3rd," Dean read off his screen. "The first killing was the very next day."

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