Route 666 Final

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The boys joined me a second later and we headed out to the swamp. Dean hot wired a tractor and after while, we got it hooked to the truck that had been under water for 40 years. Dean drove the tractor and Sam and I helped guide him. It had started to snow, so we were trying to move quickly.

"Nice," I commented, as Dean hopped off the tractor.

"Yeah, now I know what she sees in you," Sam told him. I rolled my eyes. We were back to the teasing faze.

"What?" Dean questioned. He made his way to the back of the impala.

"Come on, you can admit," Sam told him. "You're still in love with her." I stayed silent, not wanting to make Dean upset. I've done my teasing already.

"Can we focus please" Dean asked our brother. He opened the trunk and I held it open.

"All right, what am I getting," Sam asked, deciding to cut the teasing,... for now.

"Gas, flashlight," Dean listed, handing Sam the items.

"Alright," I stated, rubbing my hands for warmth. "Let's get this done."

We made our way to the old truck. It was rusted and covered in slimy stuff from the swamp. Dean opened the front door and a very decomposed Cyrus almost fell out on him. I stepped back.

"Gross," I mumbled, holding my hand over my mouth. I took some steps back, letting the boy handle this one.

They pulled out the body and put it on some wood. After dumping salt and gas on top, the threw in the match. The body was set a blaze. I made my way back to them.

"Think that'll do it?" I questioned. Before they could answer, we were blinded by headlights. We looked ahead to see a black truck, much like the one that was behind us. I grabbed on to Dean.

"I guess not," Dean stated.

"So burning the body had no affect on that thing," Sam questioned, as we stared down the truck.

"Sure it did," I told him. "Now it's really angry."

"But Cyrus's ghost is gone, right?" Sam asked. I was confused too. Usually burning bodies killed whatever spirit we had.

"Apparently not the part that's fused with the truck," Dean told us. He walked over to the impala.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked, looking back at him. I stayed focused on the truck. "Gonna lead that thing away." Sam and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm coming with you," I ran to the other side of the impala. "You are not going alone." I got in before Dean or Sam could argue. He rolled his eyes, but turned back to Sam.

He told Sam to try and burn the truck we pulled out. We were hoping that it would make the truck go away. Dean got in and started the engine, leaving Sam to figure out how to burn a truck. He pulled away and sped down the road, the black truck right on our heels.

"Do you really think Sam can burn the truck?" I questioned. I was certain that it was even possible.

"Well, we better hope he figures something out, or we're next," Dean told me, focusing on staying as far from the truck as possible. He pulled out his phone, calling Sam. I told him to put it on speaker.

"Hey, you gotta give me a minute," Sam said, right when he answered.

I looked back at the truck as it got closer. "We don't have a minute, Sammy!" I yelled.

"What are we doing?"Dean asked.

"Uh, let me get back to you," Sam stuttered and hung up.

"No way he just hung up?" I questioned Dean. He shook his head and once again focused on the road. "Oh, I am gonna kill him if we don't die."

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now