Devils Trap Pt. 1

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"They've got dad," He stated, moving across the room and beginning to pack his things up.

"Meg?" Sam questioned.

"What did she say?" I asked. What the hell was happening.

"I just told you, Cheyenne," Dean replied, sharply. I stepped back at the tone of his voice, but tried not to take it personally. I know that he was scared for dad and pissed at Meg. "Okay," He ran a hand over his face.

He reached over to the table, picking up the colt. He placed it in his jeans. He needed to explain to us, not leave us in the dark.

"What are you doing, Dean?" Sam, asked for both of us. Dean picked up his bag. I followed in suit, grabbing my things.

"We got to go," Dean stated, not looking up at us. 

I had a feeling this was gonna be harder than any monster or creature we had ever fought before. I hoped that dad would be okay and that we could get there in time. 

"Why?," Sam questioned, watching as Dean paced around the room. I held Sam's bag out to him. He took it, hesitantly, still watching Dean.

"The demon knows we're in Salvation," Dean stated. "It knows we got the colt and it's got dad... it's probably coming for us next."

"We've still got three bullets left," I stated, trying to look at the positive. I really wanted to give Dean a hug, but there wasn't time for that right now. "Let it come."

Dean glared at me. "Listen, tough girl, we're not ready," he snapped. Once again, I was a bit taken aback. He was reminding me of dad. "We don't know how many of them are out there... we're no good to anybody dead."

"Dean, look, I get you're scared and worried about dad," I stated, holding back tears. "But you have no right to take it out on me." I grabbed my coat, along with my bag. "I'll be in the car."

"Cheyenne, wai..." Dean started to say. I slammed the motel door shut behind me. I knew he felt bad, but he deserved it. Being angry and yelling isn't gonna help dad.

I climbed in the back, setting my stuff beside me. I let a few tears fall, but didn't really cry. I was scared too. Scared that dad was hurt or worse and scared of what we were walking into. A few minutes later, Sam and Dean walked out. They threw their items in the trunk and got into their seats. Dean turned to look at me. 

"Cheyenne, look... I'm sorry," he stated, much calmer than before. "You're right, I'm angry and upset and I took it out on you and Sam, and you didn't deserve that."

"I know, and I know you didn't mean it," I responded. Dean gave me a smile and then we were off into the night.

"I'm telling you, Dean, we could've taken him," Sam stated, out of nowhere. 

"What we need is a plan," Dean wasn't even listening to what Sam was saying. "They're probably keeping dad alive... we've got to figure out where." He was focused on the road and was going a little bit above the speed limit. "They're gonna want to trade him for the gun."

Sam made a mumble noise, as if he didn't think that was true.

"What?" Dean questioned, glancing over. 

"If that we're true, why didn't Meg mention a trade?" Sam asked. Dean was silent. "Dad, he might be..." 

"Don't," I almost shouted at him. "Please,  Sam, you can't think like that."

"She's right, Sam," Dean agreed. 

"Look, I don't want to believe it any more than you guys, but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing," Sam explained. "We still have the colt... we can still finish the job."

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