Route 666 Pt 1

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 After a day or two of driving, we stopped for gas in Kentucky. I, of course, ran in to grab snacks and drinks, while the boys were outside. I thanked the cashier, before heading back out carrying a sack full of goodies.

"Cheyenne, do you really need all that?" Sam questioned, glancing up from the map. He was leaning over the impala. I glared at him. I saw Dean a few feet away, phone up to his ear.

"Of course, we still have a long drive, right?" I argued, looking over his shoulder. Of course, because I never learned to read one, the map made no sense. "Where even are we?"

Sam chuckled and focused on the map again. "Well, I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here," Sam pointed out. He made sure to be loud enough so Dean could hear as well. "We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought."

"Nice job, Sammy," I patted his back. As much as I loved the impala, after a while, it gets a little boring. I saw Dean walking up to us, having finished his call. "Hear that, Dean?"

"Yeah," he said, heading to the drivers seat. "Problem is we're not going to Pennsylvania." I almost did a double take. Just a few hours ago, Dean was dead set on heading there.

 "Wait, what?" Sam asked. 

"I just got a call from an old friend," Dean explained. "Her father was killed last night and she thinks it might be our kind of thing."

 "What?" I questioned. What friend was he talking about, I mean, Dean didn't know that many people. 

"Yeah, believe me, she never would've called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean stated. He got his seat. Sam looked over at me for an answer. I shrugged my shoulders and got in the back seat. Sam stood still. "Com on, you coming or what?" Dean called out the window. 

 We started down the road. "So... by "old friend," you mean..." I questioned Dean. By Sam's face I knew he was curious as well. 

 "A friend that's not new," Dean clarified for us. I rolled my eyes. 

 "Thanks, Dean," I said, clearly not getting what I had wanted. 

 "So, her name's Cassie, huh?" Sam questioned. "You never mentioned her." 

This was true. It must have been someone that he met on a solo hunt, or when I was with dad. He never once mentioned a girl, but, then again, he never really talked about the girls or what he did. Nor did I want to know. 

"Didn't I?" Dean asked.

"No," I stated. "Who was she?"

"We went out," Dean told us. I smirked at Sam. Now we were getting some good information.

"You mean you dated someone?" Sam questioned.

"For more than one night?" I added in. Dean wasn't exactly known for long relationships. It was usually a girl he met at a bar after a hunt. Then we never saw her again.

"Am I speaking a language that you two aren't getting here?" Dean questioned. "Dad and I were working a job in Athens, Ohio." I tried to think back to that case. "She was finishing up college and we went out for a couple weeks."

"And..." I asked. This clearly wasn't the end of this story. Dean shrugged his shoulders and didn't say a word. 

"Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kind of sounds like a standard car accident," Sam admitted. "I'm not seeing how it fits what we do."

"Speaking of that, how does she know what we do?" I leaned up in my seat again. When Dean was silent, I realized what he did. "You told her," I accused, my eyes wide. "You told her the secret." I couldn't believe it. "Our big big family rule number one... we do what we do and we shut up about it."

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