Home Pt 1

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    The three of us were currently researching for another case. We had a good rest, but we were all ready to get back to what we did best. 

   "Alright, I went through few websites," Dean told Sam and I. "Think I found a few candidates for our next gig."

   I looked over at Sam who appeared to be drawing on notepad. I watched him for a minute before walking over to Dean and leaning behind him.

  "What do you got?" I asked.

  "A fishing trawler found off the coast of cali," He told me. "It's crew vanished, and we got some cattle mutilations in west Texas." He looked over at Sam, who clearly wasn't paying attention. 

   "Hey!" He called. Sam turned his head. "Am I boring you with this hunting-evil stuff?

  "No, I'm listening, keep going." Sam told him, turning back to his notepad. I smirked over at Dean and hit on the back.

   "And here a Sacramento man shot himself in the head, three times," Dean continued. He looked over at Sam, who still wasn't paying attention. "Any of these things blowing up your skirt, pal?" 

  Sam continue to look down, flipping through a few pages of his notebook. "Wait, I've seen this." He stated. I walked over to him.

   "Seen what?" I questioned, trying to look at his notepad. He got off the bed, and walked past me. "I don't think that answers my question."

   Sam walked over to one of our bags and started digging through it. Dean and I looked at each other.

   "What are you doing?" Dean finally asked. Sam pulled out dads journal and started looking for something.

   "You know, maybe if you told us, we could help." I suggested, walking over to him. He pulled out an old photo of our family. He then pulled out the notepad he drew on. "It's a... tree." I stated, not seeing what he was. 

  "Dean, Cheyenne, I know where we have to go next," He turned to us. 

  "Where?" Dean asked, also not understanding.

  "Back home," Sam stated, like it was obvious. "Back to Kansas."

   "Okay, random," I walked up to him. "Where'd that come from?" I questioned why he all of a sudden wanted to go back to Kansas. 

  Sam looked down, a little nervous. "All right, um, this photo was taken in front of our old house, right?' He handed it to me. I looked at it and handed it to Dean. "The house where mom died?"

     "Yeah," I answered, still not comprehending. 

  "It didn't burn down completely," Sam asked. "They rebuilt it, right?" 

  "I guess so, yeah," Dean agreed. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Okay, look, this is gonna sound crazy," Sam began. "But the people who live in our old house, I think they might be in danger." I looked over at him like he was crazy. 

  "Why would you think that?" I asked.

  "Uh...just, um..." Sam struggled to find the words. "Look, just... you guy's got to trust me on this, okay." 

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Dean stood up, "Trust you?" He stood and walked over to Sam, who was already packing. 

   "Yeah, Sam, I mean... it seems a big stretch." I agreed with Dean. "You got to give us a little more than that." 

   "I can't really explain it is all," Sam informed us. He kept packing.

   "Well, tough, I'm not going anywhere until you do." Dean stated. Sam stopped what he was doing and turned to us, sighing.

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now