Home Pt 3

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Missouri told us she had something that might help. She took us back to her place. She handed me some cloth and herbs of some sort. She told me to tie them up into bundles of sorts. I did what she told me.

  I was sat at the table, making the bundles, while Sam and Dean watched. 

  "So, what is this stuff anyway?" I asked.

  "Angelica root, van van oil, crossroad dirt, and a few other odds and ends," She explained. 

   "What are we supposed to do with it," Dean asked, watching me make them. 

 "We're gonna put them inside the walls," Missouri explained to us. "In the north, south, east, west corners on each floor in the house."

  "Punching holes in the drywall-- Jenny's gonna love that." Dean mumbled. 

  "She'll live," Missouri argued. I smirked at Dean, as I continued to make the bundles.

  "And this will destroy the spirits?" Sam questioned. 

 "It should," she assured him. "It should purify the house completely." She explained. "We'll each take a floor, two of us will be together, but we work fast." 

  Dean reached over to the angelica root, picking some up and tasting. He spit it out, and I smacked his hand. 

  "Once the spirits realize what we're up to," Missouri informed us. "Things are gonna get bad." 

  We finished up at Missouri's and headed back to Jenny's house. Missouri informed her that they had to leave the house, she took her and the kids out and explained it to her. We headed to our respective floors, Dean on the main floor, Missouri in the basement, and Sam and I went to the top. 

  "Okay, you head to the north corner, I'll start with the south," I nodded and took a breath. "Be careful, Cheyenne." 

  I grabbed a hammer and headed into a bedroom, that had the north corner. I began to find a good place to make a hole. I made the hole decent size and put my hammer beside me. I grabbed a bundle and tried to find a good way to stick it in the wall. I heard a noise behind me and looked to see the hammer floating. I screamed as it flew towards me. I tried to jump, but it hit the top of my shoulder. The end stuck into my shoulder and I cried out in pain. 

   "Sam, Cheyenne!" I heard Dean yell, running up the stairs. I threw the bundle into the all, and fell over onto my side. I looked over at my shoulder and saw blood began to pool up. I heard Dean hitting the wall and saw a bright flash of light. 

  "Cheyenne!" Dean called again, running into my room. "Oh, crap,Cheyenne!" He kneeled next to me. I felt him touch my shoulder and I winced. "Sorry, sweetheart, I have to get it out." I nodded. A few seconds later my shoulder erupted in pain. Dean sat me up and pulled out some cloth, wrapping my shoulder. "Let's get you down stairs and find something to stitch you up with." 

   He helped me stand. "Is Sam okay?" I asked, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder. We walked down the stairs. 

  "Yeah, he and Missouri are in the kitchen." When we walked in, I saw it was a mess.

 "Wow, what happened here," I said, as Sam walked over to me.

  "Cheyenne, what happened to your shoulder." He held me up and Dean went to grab something to stitch me up with.

  "Angry spirit," I explained. Dean came back and a few minutes later, and a lot of pain, had my arm stitched up. 

  "Are you sure this is over?" Sam asked Missouri. I leaned on Dean. 

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