Faith Pt 1

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  "Alright, this is the place," I said, lookin down at the map.

We pulled up to the house where we knew the Rawhead was hiding. We had been on this case for a few days and finally were close. Getting out of the car, we headed to the trunk. There was really only one way to kill this thing, by electrocuting it. Dean pulled out a few gun-looking things. I knew what they did, I had never used one though. Lucky for me, Dean only had two, which meant I wouldn't have to use it now. 

 "What do you have those amped up to?" Sam questioned, watching his brother.

"100,000 volts," Dean stated, handing one to Sam. "I want this Rawhead extra crispy." He turned to me. "You, stay behind us okay and if things start to get back you.." He stopped, wanting me to finish.

 "I go back to the impala, I know." I continued. He nodded at me, and he and Sam made their way into the house and down to the basement. I held a flashlight, shining a path for the boys. 

 As we made our way through the basement, we heard a light tapping sound. I turned to see a small closet. Dean stepped forward first.

 "On three," he told Sam, both holding their guns out. "1, 2,.. 3" Dean reached out and pulled open the doors, revealing two terrified children. I put a hand on Dean's back, giving a silent signal to put the gun down. The boys kneeled down and helped the kids up.

 "Is it still here?" Dean asked the two. The boy nodded. "Alright, grab your sisters hand, we're gonna get you out of here."

 Sam and I ran with the kids, attempting to get them out as fast as possible. As I ran up the stairs, I heard a light growl. I opened my mouth to tell Dean, but was stopped when something grabbed my ankle, pulling down the stairs. A creature ran out from the stairs and I heard Dean take a shot at it. 

 "Cheyenne, Sam, get them out of here!" Dean shouted. I got up with Sams help. We grabbed the kids and made our way out of the house. Sam threw Dean his gun, since it only had one shot and Dean used his own. 

I ran out to the impala, opening the door. "Alright, you two are gonna sit in here and wait for us okay," I got them both in the back seat. I shut the door and turned to go back in the house. Sam stopped me.

 "No, you stay with the kids," he told me, pushing me to the car.

"Sam, Dean needs our help," I argued. He still held me back.

"I will go help, I don't want you to get hurt, please," He begged me. I hated to admit it, but I knew that he was right. Besides, if I ran in there, Dean would send me back anyways.

"Okay, go!" I told him, turning back to the car. 

 A few minutes later, I heard Sam yell Dean's name. I began to get worried. Sam emerged from the house a few minutes later. I calmed down a bit, but that feeling quickly left when I saw that Sam was carrying Dean. I ran up to him.

 "Sam, what happened," I reached out to touch Dean. "Is he okay?" Sam looked at me.

"I don't know, we need get him and the kids to the hospital," he told me, walking past me. I helped him lay down Dean in the front seat, before getting in the back with the kids. Sam started the car and we sped off to the nearest hospital. 

When we arrived, Dean was taking back almost immediately. We had no answers so far. Sam was talking to a nurse, while I stood back with some police. 

 "I hate to ask this," the woman started. "But there doesn't seem to be any insurance on file."

Sam quickly pulled out on of the various credit cards and handed it to her. 

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