Provenance Pt 3

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After the boys got all the information on the Merchant's, they joined me outside. I didn't even hear them come to the car, I was lost in my own thoughts. I jumped when a hand touched my back.

"Hey, relax, it's us," Sam state, and I turned around. They were both looking at me, concern all over their faces. "Are you okay... Dean said you were a little shook up."

I nodded. "I just needed some air after hearing... about what that man did to his family," I explained. They nodded. 

"Remind you of somebody?" Sam questioned. 

"Up until the killing part... yeah, kind of," I looked down at my feet. 

"Well, we think we have something, you good to go?" Dean questioned, rubbing my arm. I nodded.

We headed back to the motel. We sat at the motel, Sam looking over a picture of the painting. 

"I'm telling you, guys," Sam stated. "I'm sure of it." He was explaining. "The painting at the auction house, dad is looking down." He shoved the picture towards us. "The painting here, dad's looking out."

 We looked over a picture of the painting. Sam was convinced that it was different than the one we burned. 

"The painting changed," He stated again. 

"So you think that daddy dearest is trapped in the painting and he's handing out Columbian neckties like he did with his family?" Dean questioned. I groaned at the mention and pushed the picture back to Sam. "Sorry, sweetheart," Dean rubbed my back. 

"Well, yeah, it seems like it," Sam stated. 

"But if his bones were burned already, how are we supposed to stop him?" I questioned. 

"Well, if Isaiah's position changed, then maybe some other things in the paintings changed, as well," Dean suggested. "It could give us some clues."

"Like a "Da Vinci Code" deal?" Sam questioned. I looked over at him. I could never understand him.

"I don't know," Dean admitted. "I'm still waiting for the movie on that one." Sam gave him a look. "Anyway, we got to get back in and see that painting, which is a good thing, because you can get more time to crush on your girlfriend." He stood and walked to a bed, laying down. I rolled my eyes. 

"Dude... enough already," Sam stated, over the teasing. 

"What?" Dean questioned. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"What?" Sam asked. "Ever since we got here, you've been trying to pimp me out to Sarah." I groaned. I stood and grabbed a coat, heading to the door. 

"Where are you going?" Dean sat up a bit. 

"Anywhere, where you two aren't yelling at each other," I stated, not giving him a second glance. "Probably just to the car." I left without another word. 

I ended up just waiting outside the door. After a minute, I heard them go from yelling to talking, but still arguing clearly. What happened to trying not to fight? Dean always had to start something. Suddenly the door flew open, the boys coming out. 

"What's going on?" I questioned, standing up. The boys stopped when they saw me. 

"Someone bought the painting," Sam explained. "We have to get to the house, now."

I nodded, following them to the car. We sped off to the address that Sarah had given Sam. I saw that there was already a car there. We got out, just as Sarah stepped out. 

"Sam, what's going on?" She questioned, walking up to us.

"I told you you shouldn't have come," Sam ignored her question. Dean and Sam ran ahead of her, to the front door. I gave Sarah a "sorry" look, and followed the boys.

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