Skin Pt 2

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   When we arrived back at Becky's, she grabbed the tape and we watched in on the tv. We saw as Zach made his way home the night his girlfriend was murdered.

  "22:04, that's just after  10:00," Dean commented, looking over at Becky. "You said time of death was about 10:30?" 

   "Our lawyers haired some kind of video expert," She explained. "He says the tape's authentic and wasn't tampered with." 

    As I watched Zach walking, I noticed something wrong with his eyes. I turned to Becky. "Hey, Becky, can we take those beers now?" I asked, wanting to talk to my brothers alone. Sam must have caught on.

   "And some sandwiches too, maybe," He suggested. 

   "What do you think this is, Hooters?" Becky laughed, before heading towards the kitchen.

  "I wish," Dean whispered. I walked over to him and slapped him on the arm. "Ow, what was that for." 

   "I think I saw something," I said, sitting back on the couch. "Sam, rewind the tape to when Zach looks at the camera." 

   Sam did, and in slow motion you could Zach's eyes flash a silvery color. "See, now I don't believe those are what his eyes should look like."

   "Maybe it's just a camera flare." Dean suggested, walking closer to the video. 

   "That's not like any camera flare I've ever seen," Sam agreed with me. "A lot of cultures say a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul." 

  "And, remember that dog that was freaking out," I reminded Dean. "Maybe he saw this, it could be some kind of body double of Zach." I suggested.

   "Yeah, something that looks like him but isn't him." Sam thought. 

   "Like a doppelganger," Dean questioned. 

  "It would explain how Zach was in two places at once," I stood and walked next to my brothers. We found Becky and told her that we had to go back to our motel, to do more in depth research. 

   The next morning, Sam woke us both up super early. He told us that we needed to go back to Zach's house, because he needed to look for something. 

   We pulled up to the back of the house and stepped out. I was holding a steaming cup of coffee, hoping it would wake me up. 

   "Alright, Sam, we're here," I sighed. "Now what exactly was so important that it had to be done at 5:30 in the morning?" 

   "The video shows the killer going in, but not coming out," Sam explained.

   "So, he must have gone out the back door," Dean suggested. 

  "Right, so there should be a trail to follow," Sam walked over to the sidewalk.  "A trail the police would never pursue." 

   "Cause they think the killer never left the house," I realized. "They caught Zach inside." 

  "Still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning." I heard Dean mumble under his breath. I held in a laugh, as I walked over and slid onto the hood of the impala. Dean made his way over and leaned next to me. 

   Sam looked around some big trash bins, before something caught his attention. He walked a few feet over, to a tree, and looked down at it. I couldn't tell, but it looked like there was something on it.

  "Blood," Sam stated, looking over at us. "Somebody came this way."

  Dean glanced around where he was standing. "The trail ends, I don't see anything over here." I got up to walk across the street to Sam, when I heard sirens coming towards us.

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