Dean Mans Blood Pt 1

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After a few days of driving, we were at another stop on the road, for food. Although we spent more time looking in newspapers and websites, then we did eating. I sat beside Sam, looking on the laptop with him. Dean held a newspaper. 

He sighed, folding it back up. "All right, guys, not a decent lead in all of Nebraska," he stated. "You two got anything?"

I shook my head. "We've been searching Wyoming, Colorado, and South Dakota," I told him. 

"Here... a woman in Iowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived," Sam read off another website. 

"Sounds more like "that's incredible!" than "the twilight zone"." Dean stated. He took a breath. "Hey, you know, we could just keep heading east... New York, upstate." I rolled my eyes. He was gonna try again. "Could stop by and see Sarah again, huh?" He offered. "She's a cool chick, man... smoking hot." I kicked his foot under the table. "You two seemed pretty friendly... what do you say?" He continued asking, ignoring my foot in his ankle. 

Sam chuckled and smiled at the idea. "Yeah, I don't know... maybe someday," He admitted. "But in the meantime, we got a lot of work to do, Dean, you know that." I pulled the laptop closer to me, looking through more articles.

"Sam's right," I agreed.

 "Got anything else?" Dean questioned, giving in.

"Uh, this man in Colorado," I read off. "Local man by the name of Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home." I glanced up at the boys. Dean sat in thought. 

"Elkins," He repeated. "I know that name."

"Doesn't ring a bell," Sam argued. I nodded in agreement. 

"Well, it looks like the cops don't know what to do," I looked back at the screen. "At first they said it was some sort of bear attack, and now they found signs of robbery." Dean reached down, pulling dads journal from his bag. 

He flipped through it, landing on a page. "Here, check it out," he turned the book towards Sam and I. Sam grabbed it, holding it up.

I read the page. "D. Elkins?" It also had a number.

"You think it's the same Elkins?" Sam questioned. 

"It's a Colorado area code," Dean stated. 

We packed up our things and headed off to the great state of Colorado. It was a few hours later, but we managed to make it to the house. It was dark, snowing, and a little spooky. Dean got the door unlocked and we headed inside. We made our way around the house, and it was a mess. Something for sure attacked this guy,

"Looks like the maid didn't come today," Dean commented. I shined my flashlight around the front door, seeing some sort of white powder.

I knelt down and picked some up, realizing it was salt. "Hey, there's salt over here, right inside the door," I called over to my brothers. 

"You mean, like, protection-against-demon salt or "oops, I spilled the popcorn" salt?" Dean asked, looking over a book. I rolled my eyes, he knew what I meant. 

"It's clearly a ring," I stated. 

"You think this guy Elkins was a player?" Sam questioned. 

"Definitely," Dean stated. I joined him as he looked inside the book. It reminded me of dad's journal a little bit. 

"That looks a lot like dad's," I told Dean. Sam stood over us. 

"Except this dates back to the 60's," Dean stated, flipping through the pages. 

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