Phantom Traveler Pt 2

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     Thirty minutes later, we walked out of a clothing shop. Dean and Sam wore suits and ties, while I wore a skirt and a blouse. And of course, Dean did nothing but complain the whole time. 

    "Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers," He remarked, pulling on his tie. 

  "No you don't" I assured, patting his arm. "You look more like a seventh grader at his first dance." I smirked. He batted my hand off. 

    "I hate this thing," he said walking off. Sam and exchanged a laugh before following. 

   "Hey, you want to get into that warehouse or not?" Sam questioned. He was right, if we walked in their with our normal attire, we wouldn't get very far. 

    Sam was right. With one flash of our badges, we got in straight away. The wreckage was strung out, in separate parts. As we walked around, Dean pulled out a device.

    "What's that?" Sam questioned, not recognizing the item.

   "It's an EMF meter, it reads electromagnetic frequencies," Dean explained. 

    Sam rolled his eyes. "Ya, I know what an EMF meter is, but why does that one look like a busted-up walk man?" 

    "Cause that's what he made it out of," I explained. "Its "homemade"." I quoted what Dean had told me the first time I asked. I looked over at him, smirking. He glared.

   He put the earbuds in and began to walk around, holding it over the items of wreckage. I glanced over to the handle from the plane door, that had some residue on it. I glided my finger over it, seeing it was a yellow powder. 

    "Boys, check this out," I called, holding my finger up. "What is this stuff?" Dean also picked some up.

     "One way to find out," Sam stated. He pulled out a container and scraped some of the powder into it. Dean made a face, before wiping his finger on Sam's back. 

   Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps running towards us and a door slam. I looked over at Sam. I think we were caught. We run off towards an exit, just before a group of armed men walked ran in the room. When we got outside, we attempted to look as normal as possible, walking slow. That was, until an alarm starting blaring.

   We ran and came up to a very tall gate. "Dean, how are..." I began to ask. 

   He took his suit jacket off and threw it, so it was on top of the fence. Sam ran first, and threw himself up and over, landing on the other side.

    "Here, come on, I'll help you up," Dean locked his fingers together. He was lucky I wore flats and not heels. With his help I jumped onto the gate. Sam tried to catch me, but I still fell hard.

    "Ouch," I ground, standing up. I was for sure going to be sore in the morning. Dean jumped after me, grabbing his suit jacket on the way down.

   "These monkey suits do come in handy," he commented, as we ran to the impala. We made our way back to Jerry's office, where we hopped to find out what the mystery powder. 

   He looked at it through a microscope. "This stuff is covered in sulfur," He came to a conclusion.

   "You're sure?" Sam questioned. Jerry offered us to look for ourselves. We were interrupted by a man cursing outside the office.

   "If you fellows will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire," Jerry apologized, stepping out of the room. We walked around his desk to take a look at the sulfur.

   "Hmm, not too many things leave behind a sulfuric residue," Dean commented. 

   "Demonic possession?" I questioned, that being the only thing that left it. Dean nodded.

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