Dead in the Water Pt 1

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      We were currently stopped at a dinner. Dean and I were at the counter. Dean was going through possible cases, while  I was munching on a plate of fries. A waitress walked up to us.

      "Can I get you anything else?" She asked, leaning over towards Dean. He glanced up, holding the pen to his mouth. He gave her a cheeky smile.

     "Just the bill, please," I requested, hitting Dean with my foot, before he could say anything dumb. The woman rolled her eyes and headed into the back of the diner. Sam finally joined us, as Dean glared at me.

    "You know Cheyenne, we are allowed to have fun once in a while, and that," he pointed at the waitress walking away, "Is fun." 

    "Just tell Sam what you found," I pleaded, not wanting to talk about this.

      He showed Sam the newspaper article he had circled. "Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin, last week, Sophie Carlton, 18, walks into a lake and doesn't walk out." Dean explained, looking over at Sam now.  "Authorities dragged the lake and found nothing, Sophie is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year and no other bodies have been found, they had a funeral two days ago." Dean finished.

    "A funeral?" Sam questioned. I spoke up this time.

   "Yeah, they buried an empty coffin for closure or whatever." I explained. 

    "Closure?" Sam once again questioned. Dean and I nodded. "What closure?" Sam lightly chuckled. "People don't just disappear, Cheyenne, people just stop looking for them." 

    "Is there something you want to say to me, Sam," I argued, sitting up. 

    "The trail for dad, it's getting colder everyday," Sam retorted, getting louder.

    Dean spoke up before I could. "What do you want us to do?" He questioned.

    Sam shook his head. "I don't know, something, anything." He answered back. 

   "You know, I'm sick of this attitude," Dean started, "You don't think Cheyenne and I want to find dad as much as you do?" 

   I thought about what Dean had said. I mean, I did want dad to be okay, I just wasn't super keen on finding him quickly.

   Sam took a glance at me. "Maybe some of us, more than others," He said, glaring. Now I was really done.

    "I'm gonna go wait in the car," I stated, standing up. I didn't even wait for Sam and Dean to respond. I walked out of the diner, to the impala, climbing in the back seat. 

    I felt bad that I didn't want to find dad, but after everything he's done, I couldn't find a reason. A few minutes later, the boys got in the front seat.

    "You good Cheyenne?" Dean asked, glancing in the rear view mirror. I nodded, not wanting to talk much. Dean clearly didn't like that answer, but started the car and headed for our next case - Lake Manitoc. 

   We headed straight to the Carlton's house, to see if we could get any information on what happened to Sophie. A younger guy, I guessed her brother, answered the door. 

    "Will Carlton?" Dean asked. Will shook his head yes and Dean continued. "I'm agent Ford, this is agent Hamill, and agent Foster, we're with the U.S. Wildlife Service." Dean held up his badge. 

    Will lead us outside towards the lake. We saw an older man sitting on the dock, Sophie's and Will's father. Will explained that Sophie was roughly 100 yards out when she got dragged down in the lake. 

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