Shadow Pt 2

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Dean left at some point, muttering something about Amy from the police department. I didn't question it, because I didn't really care. Except for the fact when he came back, he had clearly found something important. I tried asking him, but he said we had to wait until Sam got back. Lucky for me, it wasn't that long. 

 He came storming in the room. I was sat at the table, Dean leaning over me. The boys made eye contact.

"Dude, I've got to talk to you," they said at the exact same time. I looked over in disgust.

 "Please don't ever do that I can," I said, shuddering. It creeped me out when they spoke at the same time.

Sam went first. He told us that he had followed Meg to some warehouse in town. He had found a table full of weird ingredients, sounding a lot like what you need to summon a Daeva. 

"So, hot little Meg is summoning the Daeva?" Dean questioned. 

"It looks like she was using that black altar to control the thing," Sam agreed. 

"Sammy's got a thing for the bad girl," I commented, giving him a smirk. In my defense, I hadn't teased Sam at all today. I deserved at least one. 

"What's the deal with that bowl again?" Dean asked, chucking at my joke. 

"She was talking into it... the way witches used to scry into crystal balls," Sam said, giving me a glare as well. "She was communicating with someone."

"With the Daeva?" I questioned.

"No, you said those things were savages," Sam corrected. "No, this was something different, someone who's giving her orders... someone who's coming to that warehouse."

Dean walked over to the table, grabbing the folders he had brought home from the police station. He looked at the papers inside. "Holy crap."

"What?" I asked, sitting down beside him. Sam came and stood over us.

"What I was gonna tell you earlier," Dean explained. "I pulled a favor with my... friend Amy over at the police department." So that is where he had ran off to. "Complete records of the two victims... we missed something the first time." 

"What? I questioned.

"The first victim... the old man," Dean opened one of the files. "He spent his whole life in Chicago, but he wasn't born here." He slid the paper over to Sam and I. "Look where he was born.

"Lawrence, Kansas," Sam read off. Dean nodded, pulling out the other file.

"Meredith, the second victim?" He stated. "It turns out she was adopted... and guess where she's from?

"Lawerence, Kansas?" I guessed. Sam took a seat on the bed across from us.

"Holy crap," he stated.

"Yeah," Dean agreed. 

"I mean, that is where the demon killed mom," I stated. "It's where everything started."

"You think Meg's tied up with the demon?" Sam questioned us. Dean shrugged.

 "I think it's a definite possibility," he told our brother.

"But I don't understand," Sam explained. "What's the significance of Lawerence... and how do these Daeva things fit in?"

"Beat's me," I admit. I hated that this thing was tied to our home town and mom and Sam. It was starting to stress me out. 

Dean must have been able to tell I was worried, placing a hand on my back. He continued to talk to Sam.

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