Home Pt 2

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   The next morning, we headed out to talk to anyone dad knew in the time when mom died. First on the list was an auto shop that dad used to co-own with a man named Guenther. 

  "So, you and John Winchester, you used to own this garage together," Dean asked the man. 

 "Yeah, we used to, a long time ago," Guenther told us as he worked on a car. "Matter of fact, must be 20 years since John disappeared, so why are the cops interested all of a sudden?"

  We decided it would be best, to not tell anyone else John was our dad. We wanted to get the best information we could. 

  "Oh, we're reopening some of our unsolved cases," Dean explained to the man. "And the Winchester disappearance is one of them."

  "Uh huh, well, what do you want to know about John?" Geunther asked. 

  "Whatever you remember." I told him. "Whatever sticks out in your mind."

 "Well, he was a stubborn bastard, I remember that," Geunther started. "And whatever the game, he hated to lose, you know?" He laughed a little. "It was that old marine thing, but uh, he sure loved Mary and he doted on those kids."

  I let out a sigh and turned away for a minute. I can hardly remember dad "doting" on any of us. Dean noticed and stepped in front of me a bit.

   "But that was before the fire." Sam stated.

"That's right," Guenther agreed. 

 "He ever talk about that night?" Sam asked. 

 Geunther shook his head. "No, not at first," he admitted. "I think he was in shock."

  "Right, but eventually..." Sam looked over at Dean. "What did he say about it?"

 "Oh, he wasn't thinking straight," Geunther told us. "He said..uh.. he said something caused that fire and killed Mary." 

  "He ever say what did it?" Dean spoke up. 

 Now, Geunther looked at Dean like he was crazy. "Nothing did it, it was an accident," He clarified. "An electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something." 

 I couldn't keep listening as they talked about mom's death over and over again. "You know what," I spoke to my brothers. "I have to uh, go make some calls, I'll be in the car." I told Geunther goodbye and walked off. Once again, tears made their way down my face. This time I didn't stop them. I didn't get in the car, I sat on the trunk. My brothers got the information they wanted and followed me out. I heard them whispering, before on of them got in the car. Footsteps came my way.

  "Cheyenne," Dean called quietly. "Can you look at me, please?"

 "I'm sorry, Dean," I cried as I looked up at him. "I tried to be strong like you, but I just.."

  "Hey, hey," Dean interrupted me. "Who said you had to be strong?" He asked. 

 I looked back at my lap. "No one, i just... I didn't think that it would get to me this much."

 "Cheyenne, look at me," He pulled my chin to look into my eyes. "You never have to pretend to be okay, never, not with me or Sam, okay." 

  "But why is it so hard," I cried. Dean pulled me into a hug.

  "I don't know sweetheart," He whispered. "I don't know." He let go of me after a minute. "Now, are you ready to go?" I nodded and jumped off the trunk. Before I could head to my door, he grabbed my hand. "And remember, if you ever feel like you can't do something, tell me, and I will help."

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now