Asylum Pt 3

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 Dean and I made our way through the halls, looking for room 137. I shined my light as I passed each one. I stopped when I saw the numbers.

  "Dean," I got his attention and pointed at the door. He walked in front of me and pushed it open. There was some stuff blocking it, but he got it open. 

  It definitely used to be an office. There was file cabinets and papers covering the floor. We stepped in an began looking around, for any clues. Dean walked over to one of the wall panels that had a hole. He pulled it off, revealing a hidden compartment. He reached in and pulled out some kind of bag. 

  "This is why I get paid the big bucks," Dean mumbled. I walked over to him.

 "Just open it," I told him. He did and inside was a book, that read "Patients Journal" He flipped through it. It was full of pictures of tools and descriptions of what he did to each patient. 

"All work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy," Dean commented. He flipped through images of procedures and how to perform them. 

 After reading for a bit, Dean put the book down. "Alright, we need to find Sam, see what he thinks of this."

 "Okay," I stated following him. "He should be on his way a back." 

We once again, wandered the halls, looking for Sam. We went to turn a corner, when Dean yanked me backwards. A second later, a gunshot goes off and salt spray towards us. Another gun shot went off. Dean cursed and blocked me. 

 "Don't shoot!" Dean yelled. "It's us!"

 "Sorry," I heard Kate yell. What the hell were they still doing here. 

 Dean pulled me up and we made our way to the couple.

"What are you still doing here?" Dean asked. "Where's Sam?"

The two looked at each other. "He went to the basement, you called him," They acted like we should have known.

 "We didn't call him," I explained, looking at Dean. 

"His cellphone rang," Kat told us. "He said it was you."

"Basement, huh?" Dean asked. They nodded. He reached over into his bag, pulling out a gun and handing it to me. "Watch yourselves," He said to Kate and Gavin. He grabbed my arm and we turned to leave.

 "Watch for us too," I called behind me. There was a good chance that Sam had gotten over taken by something. 

  Dean and I headed down the stairs, to the basement. We looked down the halls and called out for Sam. 

"Sam, you down here?" I called out. No answer.

 "Sam!," Dean called louder. "Sam!" Still no response. We looked into the rooms beside us. I looked forward and Sam was right in front of me. This got Dean's attention as well. 

 "Man, answer me when I'm calling you," Dean told him. 

 "You okay, Sam?" I asked, looking over him. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he assured. Something seemed off, but I chose to ignore it.

 "You know that wasn't me who called your cell," Dean informed him. 

 "I know, I think something lured me down here," Sam explained. 

 "We think we know who, Dr. Ellicott," I told Sam. "That's what the spirits have been trying to tell us." 

  "You haven't seen him, have you?" Dean questioned.

 "No," Sam stated. "How do you know it was him?"

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