Dead Mans Blood Pt 3

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We headed back to the impala to get weapons. Specifically something that would behead a vampire. Dean looked around, grabbing few machetes from the trunk. He handed one to me and Sam. He turned to dad, who was in his own weapon trunk.

"Dad, I've got an extra machete if you need one," Dean stated, holding it out. Dad simply pulled out a larger one.

"Think I'm okay," Dad stated. "Thanks."

"Wow," Dean looked over the knife in his hands. 

Dad glanced over at me, seeing a machete in my hands. He marched over to me, yanking it out of my grip. I almost fell over at the movement. I felt hands on my back and saw Sam and Dean behind me.

"She is not coming with us," dad stated, placing the machete back in the trunk. "We'll be fine by ourselves... she'll get in the way and get one of us hurt."

"Dad, Cheyenne is..." Dean started to argue. I grabbed his arm. 

"Dean, it's fine, really," I assured him. "He's right, I'll just wait in the car." I walked over and climbed in the back of the impala. I really did want to help, but at the same time, I didn't want to start an argument with dad. 

I heard them talking, but attempted to ignore the words. I closed my eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts. I almost screamed when the door opened suddenly. I looked over to see Dean. He kneeled beside the car, taking my hand in his.

"I'm sorry, Cheyenne," he stated, looking down. I reached my other hand up to his shoulder.

"Dean, it's not your fault," I explained. "This is the best way for all of us, okay, I stay out of the way and dad won't be near me, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but I hate that he scares you this much and that I never noticed..." I covered his mouth.

"I don't blame you... or Sam, okay?" I stated. "Just go, before dad comes over and grabs you."

He placed a kiss on my cheek and stood up from the car. He closed the door gently behind him, and made his way to dad and Sam. They began to devise a quick plan and then headed in the direction of the barn. I hoped they'd be okay. A little while later, I saw Dean come through the trees, followed my Sam and dad. They looked upset, like something had gone wrong. 

They talked for a minute, and then dad walked to his truck. The boys made their way to the car, where I waited for information.

"So... how'd it go?" I asked, worried that they would be upset. 

"Not as planned," Sam stated. That was all he said.

"What next?" I questioned, more towards Dean.

"I'm gonna drop Sam off at the motel and you and I are gonna go get something," Dean explained looking in the mirror at me. 

"Why can't Sam go with you?" I asked. 

"I don't want you alone with dad," Dean stated. "Plus, it might be good for Sam and dad to talk alone." I shrugged. I wasn't gonna argue with that. Anytime away from dad was good for me. 

time skip

 "I can't believe we just did that," I stated, as Dean and I jumped into the impala. There was no one following us, but we wanted to get back fast. 

In my hand, was a jar of dead mans blood, wrapped in paper. We had just been in the funeral home. It was on the top of the list of weird things we had to do in this job. 

"Yeah, tell me about it," Dean commented. "Now, we have to get it to dad before he has a fit." He smirked. I looked down at the bottle, frowning a bit. "You okay?"

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