Phantom Traveler Pt 1

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    We stopped for the night, to get few hours. Since there was only two beds, I slept beside Dean, due to the fact that the was shorter than Sam. 

    I heard the door creak open, but didn't bother opening my eyes. One of Dean's arms went around my wait, protectively, while the other reached under his pillow. 

     The door shut. "Morning, sunshine's," Sam called out. Dean sat up in bed, but I was much to comfortable to movie.

     "What time is it?" Dean questioned, glancing at the clock.

   "It's about 5:45," Sam responded. 

   "In the morning?" I questioned, it came out muffled because my head was in my pillow. I hated getting up early.

     "Where does the day go?" Dean questioned. He took his own pillow and hit me the back. "Come on sweetheart, if I'm up, you have to be up too." I groaned, but sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

    "Did you get any sleep last night?" Dean asked Sam. Sam claimed he had gotten a couple hours. "Liar, cause I was up at 3:00 and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial." Dean sat up fully now.

    "Hey, that can be riveting tv," I defended Sam. Dean glared back at me, but didn't say anything.

   "When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Dean continued to question our brother. I looked over at Sam and saw he was holding three cups in his hand.

    "I don't know," Sam shrugged his shoulders. "A little while, I guess, it's no big deal." 

    "Ooh, is that coffee?" I interrupted their conversation. Dean once again glared. "Hey, if you want me to be awake, I need energy." Sam smirked and handed me a cup. I breathed in the wonderful aroma before taking a sip. 

    "Yeah, it is a big deal," Dean argued.

   Sam sighed. "Look, I appreciate your concern," Sam began to say.

    "I'm not concerned," Dean explained. "It's your job to keep my ass, and Cheyenne's, alive, so I need you sharp." 

     "Are you still having nightmares about Jess," I questioned. Sam sighed and sat on the bed across from us. 

   "Yeah," he admitted. "But it's not just her, it's everything." he handed Dean a coffee. "I just forgot, you know, this job, it gets to you." 

    "You can't let it," Dean told him. "You can't bring it home like that." 

    "So what, it never keeps you up at night," Sam questioned, looking at the both of us.

    "Well, I wouldn't say never," I thought out loud. Dean glanced over at me. He put a hand on my knee, before turning back to Sam

    "Never," He said.

   "You're never scared," Sam inquired. Dean shook his head. I chuckled, reaching back to grab the large knife from under his pillow.

    I held it up for us all to see. Dean grabbed it from me.

    "That's not fear," he explained, "It's precaution." 

   "All right, whatever, I'm too tired to argue," Sam admitted. Before Dean or I could comment, Deans phone rang. I glanced over to see who it was, but the name didn't look familiar to me. 

    "Hello," Dean said. The person on the phone said something and Dean was no longer confused. "Oh, right, yeah, up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing." Dean recalled. I didn't go on that hunt, but remember him and dad talking about it. "It's not back, is it?" Dean worried. 

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