Dead in the Water Final

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     The next morning we sat with Andrea in her home. She had calmed down and got some rest and was finally ready to talk. Dean was in a storage closet, going through old photos and looking for clues. 

    "It doesn't make any sense," Andrea muttered. "I'm going crazy." She began to cry. I rubbed her back to console her. 

    "No, you're not," I assured her. "Tell us what happened, everything." 

    "I heard..." Andrea began to tell us, but she was clearly not believing herself. "I thought I heard... there was this voice." 

   "What did it say," Sam questioned. 

    "It said, " Andrea took a pause. "It said, "come play with me"." She revealed. She started to cry again. "What's happening?" She asked, sobbing. 

    We continued talking, when Dean walked in a few minutes later with a photo book. He opened up a page and placed in front of Andrea. It looked like a group of boy scouts.

   "Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?" Dean asked. Andrea was confused as to why it was important, but still answered.

    "Uh, no, I mean, except that's my dad there," She replied, pointing to one of the young boys. "He must be about 12 in these photos." Dean nodded, looking up at Sam and I.

   "Chris Bars drowning, the connection wasn't to Bill Carlton, it must have been the Sheriff," Dean explained. 

     "Bill and the sheriff, the were both involved with Peter," Sam realized. 

     "What about Chris?" Andrea questioned, "And my dad, what are you talking about?" 

   Dean glanced over to the front door. I followed his gaze and saw Lucas staring out the door.

    "Lucas?' Dean asked, "Lucas, what is it?" Andrea turned to look as Lucas opened the front door and headed outside. 

    We knew he was showing us something, so we quickly got up and followed. He led us to a patch of grass behind the house, where he stopped. 

    "You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay," Dean told Andrea. She left and we found some shovels and started digging. 

    I hit something and looked up at the boys. The two of them reached into the dirt to pull the object out, and revealed an old red bike. 

   "It's Peter's bike," I realized. Before the boys could respond, someone came up behind us.

    "Who are you?" There was a click of a gun. We turned to see the Sheriff pointing a gun towards us. Dean pulled me behind him and both boys raised their hands. 

    "Put the gun down, Jake," Sam calmly asked the Sheriff. 

   The sheriffs hand shook. "How did you know that was there?" he questioned, pointing down to the bike. 

     "What happened?" Dean asked, "You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried his bike?" Jake didn't say a word. "You can't bury the truth, Jake," Dean stated. "Nothing stays buried." 

    "I don't know what the hell you're talking about," Jake tried to convince us. 

   "You and Bill killed Peter Sweeny 35 years ago," Dean explained. "That's what the hell i'm talking about."  Before Jake could speak, Andrea came running.

    "Dad!" She yelled, running up to us. 

   "And now, you have one seriously pissed off spirit," Dean finished his sentence, seeing Andrea. 

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