Faith Pt 4

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We pulled back up the tent. The boys and I got out, watching the people around head in. They had no idea what was really happening.

 "If Roy is using a spell, there might be a spell book," Sam told us. 

"See if you two can find it," Dean said, heading off in the other direction. I reached forward and grabbed his arm.

"I wanna go with you," I told him, holding his arm tighter. I knew that he might get into more trouble or do something dumb. Dean looked down and me and back at Sam.

 "It's fine, I can handle it," Sam assured Dean, giving me a small smile. 

"Alright, hurry up, service starts in 15 minutes," Dean glanced down at his watch. "We'll go try to stall Roy." Sam nodded and ran off. Dean looked over at me, pulling his arm from my grasp. "As much as I love having you around, is there a reason you're so clingy?" he asked, as we walked towards Roy's tent.

 "Well, last time I left you alone, you almost died," I explained. "But if it bugs you I can go find Sam." He sighed and grabbed my hand as we walked in.

 "Of course it doesn't bug me, you know you're my favorite," he stated. I grinned, leaning into him. "Now, we have to find Roy." Dean and I looked around the tent. As we walked around, my phone buzzed. It was Sam.

 "What do you got?" I asked. Dean stepped closer to try and hear Sam. 

"Roy's choosing victims, he sees as immoral," Sam explained. "And I think I know who's next on his list." 

"Who?" I questioned.

"Remember that protestor?" Sam asked us.

"The guy in the parking lot?" Dean questioned.

"Yeah, I'll find him, but you can't let Roy heal anyone, all right?" Sam told us. I put my phone away and turned to Dean.

 "We have to find Roy and now," I glanced at my watch. "The service could start any time." Dean stared behind me. I turned to see Roy already on stage. "That's just great." 

Dean made his way to the front, while I stayed in the back. I wanted to be ready just in case Sam needed help as well. Roy began to speak.

 "Layla," Roy spoke out. Layla Rourke... come up here, child." Of course that is who he would choose. This was gonna be even harder for Dean to stop. I knew he had some kind of feelings for her. I just hoped he would be able to do it. 

 As Layla made her way up to Roy, I saw Dean grab her. He talked to her quietly, I assume trying to get her not to be healed. I thought for a moment, it worked, but she had decided to go up to Roy. I made eye contact with Dean and mouthed, "I'm sorry." 

 We watched as Roy began to pray for Layla, raising his hands towards her. I can't believe this was happening again.

 Right before Roy could touch her, some one shouted out fire. People began to panic and made there way from the tent. I knew that Dean had done it. I made my way to him and put an arm on his shoulder. I knew that this was upsetting, but I couldn't imagine what was going through his head. 

 "Call Sam, and see if he's okay," Dean said, not looking at me.  I nodded pulling my phone out.

"Dean did, he stopped Roy," I told him, quietly. I heard him telling the man that it would be okay. There was silence for a moment. "Guys, it didn't work!" Sam yelled, Dean now got closer to me. "The reapers still coming!"

 "What does he mean it didn't work," Dean asked, pulling my hand and the phone closer.

"Roy must not be controlling this thing!" I shouted, still being a little quiet. 

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