Skin Pt 3

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    "Cheyen... come on...." I heard a quiet voice. I groaned and started to wake up. As I did the voice got louder. "Cheyenne," I realized it was Sam. I opened my eyes, and felt the right side of my check throb. I tried to pull my hand up to touch it,  but realized I was tied to a pull. I looked to my right and saw Sam in the same predicament a few feet away. 

   "Cheyenne, you okay?" He asked, glancing over at me. I nodded.

  "I think so," I groaned in reply. "Dean had one mean swing," I commented. "Or at least the shapeshifter does." 

  Sam went to say something, but stopped hearing footsteps coming towards us. It was Dean, well, not... it looked like Dean. He saw us both awake, looking between the two of, before walking up to me. I breathed heavily as he got closer.

   "Hey!" Sam screamed. "Don't touch her," he begged. 

  The shapeshifter walked up to me. He stood in front of me for a second. Out of nowhere, he backhanded me. I cried out in pain. I heard Sam calling for me. 

   "Where's my brother?" I asked, trying to ignore the pain. 

  "Oh, I wouldn't worry about him," The shapeshifter stated, he walked away, behind us. He came back a second later. "I would worry about you." 

   "Where is he?" Sam tried to get the shapeshifters attention off me. 

  "You don't really want to know," He told Sam. I tried to stop the tears that came to my eyes. I didn't want Dean to be hurt. He looked over at me again.

   "I swear, the more I learn about you and your family..." The shapeshifter walked over to some weapons, and by the looks of it, they were from our car. "I thought I came from a bad background. 

  "What do you mean learn?" Sam questioned. 

  The shapeshifter looked at us, before clutching his head. I realized he was getting Dean's memories somehow. He groaned and looked back at me and Sam. "He sure has issues with you two." I tried to ignore him, I knew from Dad that shapeshifters lie to hurt you more. \

   "Shut up,"  I told him, not wanting to hear what he had to say. Especially when he looked and sounded like Dean. He smirked and made his way over to me. He crouched down. 

   "Little Cheyenne," he stated, reaching up and running a hand in my hair. I felt more tears slip down my cheeks. 

    "No, talk to me," Sam yelled. The shapeshifter looked over at Sam, but made no move. He turned back to me. 

   "You have caused so many issues for all of us." He began to tell me. "I mean, you are the worst hunter I've ever seen, you know. Can't even use a gun." He scoffed. "I hated the fact that I had to teach you everything, when Dad wouldn't," He got closer to my face. "And how, you had to come with me, because Dad couldn't stand your sorry ass." He stood up and looked down at me. "You do realize that I knew that dad was hurting you." He said, causing me to sob. "I mean, with all the bruises and cuts he gave you, how could I have not noticed." 

   "No," I cried out. "Please stop." I knew it wasn't true, but it still hurt to hear.

   "You know why I didn't stop him," the shapeshifter asked. "Because I thought you deserved it, I thought it would whip you into shape,... I even thought about hitting you" He stated. "But no, you never learned, and now I have to drag you and Sammy along." He stood up and turned to both Sam and I. 

   I continued to cry and heard Sam tell me it would be okay.

  The shapeshifter spoke again, and grabbed some sheets. "But still, this life, it's not without its perks" He stated, quoting Dean. "I meet the nicest people," He laughed, walking up to Sam. "Like little Becky... you know, Dean would bang her if he got the chance. Sam didn't respond, but I knew he was angry. "Let's see what happens."

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