Bloody Mary Pt 3

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    On the way to get Charlie, Sam explained that Bloody Mary was coming after her. She was too scared to say anything else. We picked up Charlie from outside the school. We brought her to our motel room, where she sat on the bed hiding her face. Dean, Sam, and I took down and covered up anything reflective, that Mary could pop into. 

  Sam went to sit beside Charlie. "Hey, it's okay," He whispered, as not to startle her. "You can open up your eyes, Charlie." Dean and I joined them. 

   Slowly, Charlie lifted her head and looked around the room. 

    "Now, listen," Sam continued to talk to her. "You're gonna stay right her, on this bed, and you're not gonna look at glass or anything else that had a reflection, okay." 

  "As long as you do that, she cannot get you," I assured, putting an arm around her. 

   "But I can't keep that up forever," Charlie mumbled. "I'm gonna die, aren't I," Her eyes grew wide.

  Sam moved closer to her. "No, not anytime soon," he assured her. Dean sat next to us, and looked at Charlie.

   "All right, Charlie, we need to know what happened?" Dean asked.

  "We were in the bathroom, Donna said it." Charlie began to explain how it happened. Dean stopped her.

   "That's not what we're talking about," He stated. She looked over at Dean, crying, as she realized what he meant. We needed to know her secret. "Something happened, didn't it, in your life," Dean continued. "A secret, where someone got hurt." I looked over at Charlie, and saw more tears fall. 

   "Can you tell us about it," I asked carefully. 

   "I had this boyfriend," She began to tel us. "I loved him, but he kinda scared me, too, you know?" I nodded, my dad popping into my mind. "And one night at his house, we got in this fight, and I broke up with him, and he got upset." She took a breath. "He said he needed me and he loved me, and he said..." She paused, and took a shaky breath. "He said, 'Charlie, if you walk out that door right now, I'm gonna kill myself,"... and you know what I said?" I looked over at my brothers. " I said, "go ahead"," and I left." 

    I looked over at her. 

   "How could I say that?" She asked me. "How could I leave him like that?" she cried. "I just... didn't believe him, you know.... I should have." We stayed with Charlie for a while, before telling her that we had to go find the mirror, it was the only way to stop this.

    I offered to stay with her, since she was so shook up, but she said that I should help. So we got in the impala and headed to the antique shop that had the mirror.

    "Her boyfriend killing himself, that's not really Charlies fault," I commented, as we flew down the road. I couldn't imagine what she had went through. Dean gave me a sad look through the rearview mirror.

   "Well, you guys know as well as I do, spirits don't exactly see shades of gray," Sam stated. "Charlie had a secret, someone died, that's good enough for Mary." 

    "I guess," i replied, still not happy with the answer. 

   "You know, I've been thinking, it might not be enough to just smash that mirror," Sam told us. 

  "Why, what do you mean?" Dean asked, looking over at him. 

  "Well, Mary's hard to pin down, right," Sam explained. "When she moves from mirror to mirror, right, so who's not to say that she might just keep hiding in them forever?" He continued. "So maybe we should try to pin her down, you know, summon her to her mirror, and then smash it."

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