Salvation Pt. 2

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Now, we sat in the hotel room. Sam and I sat on the end of one bed. He had his head in his hands, still recovering. I rubbed a hand up and down his back. Dad sat on the other bed, and Dean in one of the chairs. We had just gotten through explaining that Sam had a vision, about this woman and child. 

"A vision?" dad questioned. He was having trouble processing this whole thing.

"Yes," Sam stated. "I saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling."

"And you think it's gonna happen to this woman you met because...?" Dad asked. I rolled my eyes and looked away. Why couldn't he just believe us?

"Because these things happen exactly the way I see them," Sam tried to explain. 

"It started out as nightmares, and then he started having them while he was awake," Dean added, standing up. 

He walked to the kitchen to get more coffee, patting my shoulder on the way.

"It's like, the closer I get to anything involving the demon, the stronger the visions get," Sam stated, pinching his nose. 

"All right, when were you gonna tell me about this?" Dad questioned. We all three looked over at him, like he as crazy. 

"We didn't know what it meant," I spoke up first, not making eye contact with him. I could feel  his eyes burning into me. Dean walked over and stepped in front of me slightly, making dad look at him instead.

"Something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone and call me."

Now, I was done. I was over being quiet. Last time I got a busted lip, but I could care less. 

"Call you?" I questioned. Dad looked back at me. I stood and walked around Dean, giving him a look that said don't stop me. "Would you have answered the phone, because at this point, you don't have a great track record," I ranted. "I mean, we called you when Dean was dying of a heart attack, okay, Sam begged you to come see us, and you couldn't even reply... do you really think that we were gonna try it again." My voice was growing louder and dad's stare got more intense. "You can't act like you're a good father, when history proves that you aren't..."

Dad stood up at his point. "I suggest you shut up now," he threatened. I saw Dean and Sam move closer to us, just in case dad would try anything.

"No!" I shouted, shocking all three of the men. "I have done nothing but shut up my whole life... I am over the pretending that you love me and acting like I love you back!" There was no going back now. "None of us have ever yelled or talked back, you're just shocked that it's me that's doing it!" Tears ran down my cheeks. "So go for it, hit me or push me, I don't care."

Suddenly I was grabbed. Dad had me by the arm and shoved me backwards, until my back hit the wall. I groaned from the impact, and knew I would probably bruise. Before he could do or say anything else, the boys had pulled him back from me. 

"Let's calm down, okay," Dean said, as calmly as he could. "Dad, that means you too."

Dad still looked angry, but sat back on the bed. Dean walked over to me, pulling me away from the wall, and pulled a chair over for me to sit in. 

"You good?" Sam asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, fine," I stated. Before anyone could add anything, a phone started ringing. It was Sam's.

He pulled from his pocket, holding up to  his ear. "Hello." There was a pause. "Who is this?" 

Another pause, and then Sam looked up, almost confused. "Meg." We all looked at each other. Wasn't Meg the one who died. "Last time I saw you, you fell out of a window." Another pause from Sam. I wish I could hear what Meg was saying. "Just your feelings... that was a 7 story drop."

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