Devil's Trap Pt. 2

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"Cheyenne," I heard a voice, it was quiet. I felt a hand on my face, lightly smacking. "Come on sweetheart, let me see those eyes." The voice got louder now. Slowly but surely, I opened my eyes.

I noticed that I was in the impala now and we were driving. How long was I out for? The light felt brighter and I squinted my eyes, hoping they would stay open. Dean and Sam came into my vision. I groaned at the throbbing I know felt in my head. Sam was driving, while Dean sat with me in the back.

"There they are, my favorite eyes to see," Dean commented, holding my head up. "You hit the wall pretty hard... how you feeling?" He looked in my eyes, searching for signs of a concussion.

"My head hurts, but... I'm okay." I mumbled. He felt around my head, for any bumps.

"Well, good news, I don't think you have a concussion," Dean stated. "Bad news, you're gonna have some bruises.

"Nothing I haven't before," I joked, sitting up fully. "What happened at Bobby's?"

Suddenly both boys looked upset, almost... sad. They then explained to me what happened. Meg, who was a real girl, had been possessed for a year by that demon. They ended up exercising the thing and Meg had died. Her body was too broken. But, we also had some information on where dad might be. I took everything in, and it made me tired. I leaned back down onto Dean's lap. He put a hand on my head, brushing over my hair.

"You get some rest, we're gonna pull over in a bit and try to figure out where to look," he told me. I nodded and instantly feel into a deep sleep.

I woke up at the sound of the impala door opening and shutting. Looking around, I realized both boys got out. I took a minute to stretch and wake up, before I got out as well. Sam had the book from Bobby on the roof, looking over it. Dean was at the trunk, getting weapons ready. Their heads shot up when my door opened.

"Did we wake you?" Sam asked, concerned. I shook my head.

"It's fine, I think I've gotten plenty of rest for now," I assured him. I looked over at Dean, who was focusing on his gun. "You're quiet."

"Just getting ready," Dean reassured me, not glancing away from the weapon. I looked over at Sam, not sure what to say next.

"He's gonna be fine, Dean," Sam stated, talking about dad. Dean stayed silent. Realizing that he wasn't gonna talk, Sam turned back to his reading.

I stepped over to Dean, not wanting to startle him. I stood next to him and watched him going over the weapons. Slowly, I rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't attempt to push me off, so he must have found it comforting. We didn't say anything, just stood. Suddenly, Sam walked over to the trunk as well. He brushed the heavy layer of dirt off and started to... write on it. This caught Dean's attention. If there was one thing he was always aware of... it was people messing with his car.

"Dude, what are you drawing on my car?" He questioned, pulling away from me. I almost fell over, but caught myself. Dean watched Sam use the white pencil on the black paint.

"It's called a devil's trap... demons can't get through it or inside it," Sam explained as he finished the drawing.

I looked over the trunk and watched him as well. "So?" I didn't really understand why he was doing it.

Sam moved to the other side. I watched Dean wipe his finger over a line, seeing if it was doing damage and I laughed to myself.

"It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox," Sam explained. Dean looked over, still upset at the drawing.

"So?" He questioned, exactly as I had.

"So, we have a place to hide the colt while we go get dad," Sam stated, drawing the exact drawing on the other side.

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