Bugs Pt 1

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    We had stopped at a bar. Dean ran inside to do who knows what, while Sam and I waited back. Dean had stated that he had "something important" to do. Sam and I laid on the hood of the impala. He had grabbed a newspaper and was flipping through. 

   "Hey, Cheyenne," He said. I turned to look at him. "Take a a look at this." He said handing me the paper, pointing to an article titled, "Local Death a Medical Mystery". I began to read through it.  

    "This could be something," I stated. I heard footsteps and Dean chuckling. I looked up to see him holding out a stack of cash. 

   "You know, we could get day jobs once in a while," Sam commented. I watched Dean counting the bills. 

   "Hunting's are day job," I told Sam, still looking at the paper. "And the pay's crap."

  "Yeah, but hustling pool, credit card scams?" I glanced over at him as he complained. "It's not the most honest thing in the world, guys"

  "Well, let's see, honest, fun and easy." Dean listed. "It's no contest, and besides we're good at it, it's what we were raised to do." 

  "Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked," Sam argued. I looked over at him and then back at Dean.

   "I will agree with that," I pointed over at Sam. "I can say my life hasn't been rainbows and butterflies," I joked. I saw Dean and Sam look over at me, but not say anything.

   "We got a new gig or what?" Dean asked us, still counting his money. I don't know how much he made, but it couldn't take that long. Sam got off the car, and grabbed the paper from my hands. 

   "Hey, I didn't finish reading," I whined. Sam made his way over to Dean.

   "Maybe," He told Dean. "Oasis Plains, Oklahoma, not far from here," He read from the paper. "Gas company employee, Dustin Burwash supposedly dies from Creutzfeldt-Jakob."

   "Speak english please Sam?" I begged, laying my head back against the windshield. 

  "It's human mad cow disease," Sam informed us. 

  "Mad cow?" Dean questioned. "Wasn't that on Oprah?" I lifted my head, eyebrows raised.

  "You watch Oprah" I questioned, laughing. Sam smirked. "Oh this is fantastic, something I can make fun of you for," I clapped. Dean rolled his eyes.

  "So this guy eats a bad burger," Dean ignored Sam and I's looks. "Why is it our kind of thing?"

  "Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration, and it can take months, even years, for the damage to appear." Sam explained. "But this guy Dustin, sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour, maybe less." 

  "Okay, that's weird," Dean admitted.

  "What if it is just a disease?" I questioned, looking over at my brothers. 

  "Well, it could be disease," Sam stated. "Or it could be something much nastier." 

  "Alright, Oklahoma," Dean stated. He walked over to me. "Now, get off my car," He said, pushing me forward a bit.

  I slid the rest of the way off. "Control freak," I muttered under my breath. I quickly climbed into the back. 

   "Man, work, work, work," I heard Dean tell Sam. "No time to spend my money." The boy got in and we headed down the road to Oklahoma. 

   Sam decided that we should go to the power company that Dustin worked for. See if we could talk to anyone about what happened. When we got there, we saw a man outside his car.

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