The Benders Pt 2

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Sam continued to attempt to get out. At this point, I didn't even know what he was doing. I was focusing on staying awake. I was scared to even think how high my fever was right now. Dean was gonna kill me. He told me to stay at the motel and I argued and look where that got me.

"What's your name again," I heard Jenkins ask. It wasn't towards me, so I ignored it.

"It's Sam," Sam strained. He must be pulling on something.

"Why don't you give up, Sammy?" Jenkins questioned. "There's no way out." Sam wasn't gonna like that.

"Don't... call me... Sammy!" Sam yelled. But I heard something snap, and it sounded like whatever Sam was doing, must be working.

"Sammy, what did you do?" I asked, trying to stay in conversation.

"It's a bracket," Sam stated.

"Oh, thank god... a bracket," Jenkins acted like he cared. "Now we got them, huh."

Before I could tell Jenkins to shut it again, the click of a door opening sounded.

"Must have been a short," I heard Jenkins say. It must have been his cage door that opened. "Maybe you knocked something loose."

"I think you should get back in there," Sam stated. He sounded nervous. Jenkins questioned him. "This isn't right," Sam tried to explain.

"Don't you want to get out of here," Jenkins asked.

"Do you really think these people would just let you go," I asked him. Was he really that dumb. This is how people die in horror movies.

"Yeah, Cheyenne's right, that was too easy," Sam argued.

"I'm gonna get out of here," Jenkins stated. "I'm gonna send help, okay?"

"No!" Sam yelled. "I'm serious... Jenkins, this might be a trap."

"Bye Sammy," I heard him say before the door opened.

"See you around," I stated. I was now leaning heavily on the cage, praying my eyes would stay open.

"Jenkins!" Sam yelled after the man. After he left, his cage door slammed shut and locked. Sam was right, it had been a trap.

It was silent for a minute or two. Then the sound of screaming, and we could tell it was Jenkins. The thought of him being killed by humans got into my head, more specifically, my stomach. I leaned over to the corner of my cage and let out what little I had in my stomach. Lucky for me, it wasn't much.

"Cheyenne?" Sam called out, hearing me getting sick. "Cheyenne, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Sammy," I wiped my mouth. "I-I just need to rest, that's all." I got out, and then I slumped over to the other side of the cage, passing out. The last thing I heard was Sam shout my name.

I didn't know how long I was out for, but I could make out Sam talking to someone else. I raised my head up a little bit, but couldn't till what they were speaking about. I thought I heard Dean's name, but was too dizzy to make sense of anything.

"Sammy?" I mumbled, barely loud enough to get across the room.

"Cheyenne!" he shouted. "Hey, honey, Dean is on his way, can you stay awake now," he begged. I hummed in response, not wanting to use much energy.

A few minutes later, the door opened again. We held our breaths, waiting for the same people to come around the corner.

"Sam!" I heard Dean call out. Thank god he had shown up. "Are you hurt?"

"No, but Cheyenne isn't doing too hot," Sam explained. "I think it's the bug she got, it's worse Dean, she passed out for a while." He pointed him in the direction of my cage.

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