Something Wicked This Way Comes Pt 1

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We ended up having a few days with no case. It was kind of nice to just relax for a while, but it was short lived. Dean woke us up and explained that dad had sent coordinates to somewhere in Michigan and we were on the road again. I tried my best to not let my fear take over, but I couldn't help it. What if dad showed up again?

Lucky for me, the boys arguing in the car helped silence the voices in my head.

"Yeah, you probably missed something," Dean stated. Sam was researching the town and so far there seemed to be nothing going on there.

"I ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers... I couldn't find a single red flag," Sam explained. 

I sat forward, listening in. "Are you sure you got the coordinates right?" I questioned, with a smirk. Dean gave me a glare. 

"Yeah, I double checked," Dean assured me. "It's Fitchburg, Wisconsin." He focused on the road again. "Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if wasn't important, guys."

I hated to admit it, but Dean had a point. Dad always had a reason for sending us all over the place. 

 "Well, I'm telling you, I looked, and all I could find was a big, steamy pile of nothing," Sam argued. "If dad's sending us to hunt something, I don't know what."

 "Well, maybe he's gonna meet us there," Dean suggested. I looked over at him, feeling my heart begin to race.

 "Yeah, cause he's been so easy to find at this point," Sam joked.

 "You're a real smart ass you know that?" Dean teased. "Don't worry... I'm sure there's something in Fitchburg worth killing."

I slid back in my seat, attempting to ignore the conversation. But, thoughts began to fill my brain. What if he was there? What if the boys left me alone with him? What if... I started to breath heavy, and looked down at my hands. They were shaking. No, no, please not another one. 

"Dean," I called quietly. He looked in the rearview mirror, with another glare. His face changed to a look of concern when he saw my condition. 

 "Cheyenne, are you okay?" He questioned. Sam turned to face me as well. 

I shook my head quickly. "I-I c-can't..." I struggled to get a sentence out. Dean quickly pulled over on the side of the road. 

I need fresh air, and I jumped out of the car before Dean put the car in park. A hand flew to my chest, rubbing it in an attempt to let the air in. My legs refused to hold up my body and I fell to my knees. A few seconds later, I heard the slam of doors. 

There was a pair of hands on my arms, and my face was lifted to my brothers. Dean pulled my hands from my chest, while Sam rubbed my back. 

"Cheyenne, sweetheart, I need you to breath," Dean begged, setting one of my hands over his heart. 

Sam wrapped an arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me. 

I continued to breath heavy, attempting to slow down. "D-dean, I-I-I c-can't," I said, tears running down my cheeks.

Sam looked over at Dean. "What triggered her?" He questioned.

Dean sat in thought, still holding on tight to my hand. "Uh... I don't know... we were talking about the case and about getting the coordinates from da..." He stopped short. "Dad... I mentioned the dad might meet us there." He held me tighter. 

Sam looked down at me. "Honey, if you're worried about dad showing up... we don't know for sure," he told me, putting a hand on my head. "Even if he does show up, we will make sure he doesn't touch you, okay?" 

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