Salvation Pt 1

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The first place we headed was to a motel in Colorado. It was dads, which meant that every wall was covered in some kind of lore or article or something to do with the demon case. I sat on one of the beds, as Sam and Dean looked around.

"This is it... this is everything I know," dad stated, sitting at the table. "Our whole lives we've been searching for this demon, right?" He questioned. "Not a trace, just nothing, until about a year ago.... for the first time I picked up a trail"

"That's when you took off," Dean remarked. I couldn't help but shudder at that memory. Dad leaving and the fight we had. 

"That's right... the demon must have come out of hiding or hibernation," he explained. 

"All right, so, what's this trail you found?" Dean asked. 

"It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California," dad listed. "Houses burn down to the ground... it's going after families, just like it went after us."

"Families with infants?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah, the night of the kid's 6 month birthday," Dad explained. 

"I was 6 months old that night?" Sam questioned. This was part of the story that dad hadn't told.

"Exactly 6 months," dad corrected.

I had stayed silent this whole time. It was not a conversation I needed to join. Dean and Sam would look at me a few time, making sure I was okay.

"So, basically this demon is going after these kids for some reason, the same way it came for me?" Sam clarified. I could tell that this was more personal for him. "So mom's death, Jessica... it's all because of me?"

"Sam, don't say that," I spoke out. I couldn't stand to hear him blame himself for something he couldn't control.

Dad gave me a look, but Dean stepped in between us. "We don't know that Sam."

"I'd say we're pretty damn sure, Dean!" Sam shouted. 

"For the last time, what happened to them is not your fault," Dean argued. 

"It's not my fault, but it's my problem," Sam corrected. 

"It's not your problem, Sammy, it's ours!" I yelled. I stood up from the bed now. I was getting overwhelmed again. 

"Okay, that's enough," Dad stated, calmly.

Dean walked over to me, put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Okay, why is it doing this.. what does it want?" Sam asked. 

"I wish I had more answers, I do," dad stated. "I've always been one step behind it." He looked down for a moment. "Look, I've never gotten there in time to save..." he trailed off. 

"All right, so, how to we find it before it hits again?" Dean asked. 

"There are signs... look, it took me a while to see the pattern, but in the days before the fires, signs crop up in the area," dad explained. "Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations, electrical storms." He listed off the signs. "And then I went back and checked, and..."

"These things happened in Lawrence," Dean finished for him. I felt reached up and grabbed his hand.

"The week before your mother died," Dad added. He looked over at Sam. "And in Palo Alto, before Jessica." I wanted to run over and give Sam a hug, but... not with dad in front of me. "And these signs... they're starting again."

"Where?" Sam questioned. We all looked at dad.

"Salvation, Iowa," he stated. 

We all began to pack bags and get ready to go. Before Sam walked to the car, he grabbed my arm, making me face him.

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