The Benders Pt 1

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A few hours later, we arrived in Minnesota. To a town called Hibbing. The first place we headed was to a young boys house. According to the local police, the boy had seen something pull a man under a car, he claimed it was a monster. Dean and Sam went in, in their state police uniforms, to get more information. I was feeling a little better. The medicine and soda was helping my stomach and fever. They were in their for about fifteen minutes and then came walking out. 

"So, do we have anything?" I asked, leaning up to their seats. 

"Don't know yet, we have to some research," Sam told me. I nodded. "Dean want's to go get a drink before we really dive in, though." 

"But we are dropping you off at a motel first," Dean looked at me through the rearview mirror. I groaned. 

"Dean, come on, I don't want to be stuck in the motel," I pleaded with him. "My stomach isn't upset right now, and my fever has gone down some."

Dean reached back, putting his hand on my head. "You're sure you want to come?" he asked. 

"Yes, fresh air is good when your sick, right Sam?" I looked at my brother, hoping he'd help me out. 

"I mean, she's not wrong Dean," Sam took my side. I tried not to smile. "I told you it was probably just a 24 hour bug and besides, the bar isn't that far from the motel." He stated. "If she starts feeling sick, we can run her back."

Dean looked back at me still. "Okay, but no drinking unless it's water, got it sweetheart," He stated, looking very serious. 

"Yes, sir," I gave him a salute. He rolled his eyes, but started the car. 

 We did stop by the motel. We got a room and the boys got changed into more comfortable clothes. We headed to the bar when the sun started going down. Sam grabbed some local newspaper and articles, along with dad's journal and his laptop. I sat beside him and the table, as he read through different things. Dean was a few feet away, throwing darts at a board.

"So, the local police have ruled out foul play," Sam explained to us. "Apparently there were signs of a struggle."

"They could be right... could just be a kidnapping," Dean suggested, going back to his game. "Maybe this isn't our kind of gig." 

I looked behind me at the pool table, really wanting to play a round. Dean turned to see me and could read my mind. 

"Don't even think about it sweetheart," he said, waving a finger at me. I rolled my eyes, but stayed put. I didn't need to give him a reason to take me to the motel. 

"Maybe not, except for this," Sam ignored the two of us fighting and opened dad's journal. "Dad marked the area...possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker," Sam read off. I leaned over to get a better look.

"Why would he even do that?" Dean questioned, walking over to us. He grabbed his beer and took a swig. 

"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, and vanishes." Sam moved the book so Dean could see as well. "He found this too," he turned a page or two. "This country has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state."

"Maybe this is our kind of thing," I said, looking over at Dean. "We could at least check it out some more."

"That is weird," Dean admitted. "Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds?" He questioned. "Jenkins was taken from a parking lot."

"There are all kinds," I spoke. "Springheeled Jacks, Phantom Gassers." I listed. "They can take people anywhere, anytime."

Dean gave me a look. "What did I say about research, young lady?" he stated. 

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